Brooklyn Bridge and The High Line


Brooklyn Bridge at sunset, 2014, Hege Bryn

I took this photo in Brooklyn Bridge Park in March 2014. It shows the sun going down behind the Brooklyn Bridge, the sun at a point just under the bridge. I like how the sun lights up the bridge and the tree behind it, while also reflecting in the river, hightlighting the texture of the water and the stones in the foreground. The rays of the sun really shines through under the bridge, like an explosion of light. I had just gotten out of English class, and walked the 10 minutes from Jay Street down to the park to shoot some photos during the golden hour – in photography known as the hour before sunset and after sunrise – waiting to meet up with a visiting friend to show her the park.


Follow the lines, 2014, Hege Bryn

I took this photo at The High Line Park in Chelsea in February 2014. I like how the lines of the buildings on the left, as well as the railing and the path, leads you into the photo, towards the two people walking on the path. I also like the look of the old brick wall in different colors. The High Line is one of my favorite parks in NYC, and I spent the morning there taking photos before my afternoon class.

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One Response to Brooklyn Bridge and The High Line

  1. I approve of your photos. Good composition.
    Prof. Scanlan

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