At the End of the Street


I took this photograph Friday March 14th, 2014, while walking to my first class of the day.  Seem to be a quiet morning in Brooklyn, New York. I captured the image with my phone, while standing in the intersection of Cadman Plaza East and Johnston Street, no filters needed to such a beautiful view and day.  The studium of the photograph is Cadman Plaza East Street vanishing to the distance in between leafless trees and lined cars on the left side, and the US Postal Service Building with its streetlights on the sidewalk. Further down at the right side we can see other buildings. While going further away, street disappears, and we can see the Manhattan Bridge at the center end of the image, becoming the dominant impression.  I tried to frame as much as I could of the width of the street, while getting the bridge at the far end in the middle of the frame. Upper edge is a clear blue sky, upper right edge is part of the US Postal Service Building, and upper left edge is trees. The lower edge is entirely the pavement of the street, extending to the lower left and right side.

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One Response to At the End of the Street

  1. I approve of your photo. Good composition.
    Prof. Scanlan

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