Non-STEM Page 1


Hi, I’m Ashley Varon and I major in Communication Design at the City College of Technology. I am a junior at my university researching Accessibility, with my professor and mentor Noreen Whysel for organizations in the Science Gateway Community Institute (SGCI). Through the use of accessibility research we are able to provide guidance on accessibility to help make sure science gateways consider the needs of users with disabilities. By studying organizations understanding and interest in web accessibility, users will be able to navigate and contribute their findings without obstacles. We must design responsibly and bring to light the importance of a technological world that does not exclude anyone regardless of a disability.


This study examined perceived brand attractiveness of and identification with fashion luxury brands given different levels of sexuality in advertisements. Sex in advertisements has become increasingly more common to generate attention and interest in fashion luxury products with limited research on its influence on the consumer. A sample of 1266 males and females completed a survey on brand attractiveness and identification after examining an advertisement of a luxury fashion product. Participants were assigned an advertisement that featured a same-gendered model at one of four levels of sexuality (fully clothed to nude). The results indicated less sexuality in luxury advertisements was better in generating attractiveness to and identification with the brand. These findings are important to scholars and marketers of luxury brands. The development of relationship marketing is formidable in this study as one questions the value of societal trends, what will increase shock value and the maneuvers luxury brands take to maintain longevity.


For over forty years, the Queens Civic Center has been a biased windy battle between each town within Queens. Over the last ten years, the decision to establish a location has been subjected to a rigorous procurement procedure that has encountered many challenges. The selection process carefully vetted multiple cities and over time, phased out all the locations during the last decade, and came down to a decision of combining geographical considerations and the eventual location of the world’s fair in Flushing, Queens, with Mayor LaGuardia and Borough President Harvey making the final decision.