STEM Page 5


Hi my name is Matthew Sanchez and the topic I am covering today is tissue engineering, my job was to study/determine an alternative approach to organ regeneration. In order to do so we used a mixture called PDMS to make replica tissue cell’s to test their stability and toxicity rates. In our results it showed that the PDMS samples can be prepared easily and as a result we can get a perfect 10:1 ratio with the solution, so our data is accurate towards achieving a closer approach to organ regeneration.


Hi my name is Ibrahim Chouman and the topic I am covering today is tissue engineering, my job was to study/determine an alternative approach
to organ regeneration. In order to do so we used a mixture called PDMS to make replica tissue cell’s to test their stability and toxicity rates. In our results it showed that the PDMS samples can be prepared easily and as a
result we can get a perfect 10:1 ratio with the solution, so our data is accurate towards achieving a closer approach to organ regeneration.


Have you ever wondered why your eyes are brown and your sibling’s eyes are blue; or, why are some people prone to a certain illness while others are not? Bio-engineering is on the frontier of genetically altering DNA material in humans to impact potential mutations that could lead to a host of diseases. Recently, geneticists pushed the limits of research by announcing the birth of babies whom they had genetically edited with CRISPR, and thereby violating many ethical standards of science. Based on digital media coverage of this event, we suggest the general public is either given minimal information to normalize this growing phenomenon or lacks informed ethical insight to consider the implications for the future of reproduction and humanity.








This study investigated  global lakes surface temperature variabilities using remote sensing and in situ observations in order to understand climate change impact on lakes. Linear regression tools  have been  used to analyze data and to obtain lake surface water temperature, surface area changes per decades  for 394  lakes. Results show that 45.67% of the studied lakes are warming, and about 54.32% of them are cooling. Furthermore, 62.94% of the lakes are shrinking while 29.69% of them are growing. Additionally, there is a positive correlation between water and land temperature. It’s also been noted that lake surface area changes are negatively correlated with water temperature changes.


The creation of my app combines Mixed Reality with Artificial Intelligence, in particular Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, and Image Recognition. The aim of this app is to enhance the ability of the visually impaired to navigate their way via super-imposed “waypoints” (like over-sized arrows), affording greater independence in their handling of day-to-day affairs. My initial studies with a Microsoft Hololens and Computer Vision/Voice Recognition show that objects can be identified in text form. My prototype demonstrates successful identification of everyday objects from 40-99%. Collected data suggests success in employing a virtual assistant to guide the user in their navigation to a destination. Next steps are taking this from the lab onto the street.