Category: Course Activities (Page 1 of 2)

Updated grades including Project are posted

Hi everyone,

I have updated your Grades in Blackboard — you will find your grades for all 3 exams, the project, the WeBWorK, and an overall “Pre-Final Course Grade” which shows you how you are doing overall prior to taking the final .

You should also have received a message/email through the Blackboard message system with more details on your Project grade. Again, my apologies for the long delay in returning these to you.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Prof. Reitz

Project update

hi everyone – quick update regarding the project. If you have material on paper to hand in, you can give it to me on Wednesday. Otherwise, please submit by email/on the OpenLab by midnight tonight. I will send confirmation emails as soon as I am able, but this may not be until Wednesday.

See you Wednesday,

Prof Reitz

Exam #2 will take place on Monday, 4/1 — (project will be due 4/8)

Hi everyone,

I’ve decided to push our second exam back a day — it will now take place during class on Monday, 4/1/24. I am also extending the due date of the Numerical Methods Project by one week — the new due date for the project is Monday, 4/8/24.

Exam Date: Monday 4/1/24
Exam Time: During class, 11:30am-12:45pm
Review: The review sheet is posted here (solutions can be found following the problems on the review sheet).

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Numerical Methods Project

Numerical methods provide a way to compute (approximate) values of solutions to differential equations, even when we cannot solve the equations exactly.  The drawback is the large number of numerical calculations required to obtain a desired value and level of precision.  In this project, you will use technology to implement the various numerical methods and use your technological solution to solve differential equations problems.

Be sure to read all the information below, including:

  • Project Instructions
  • Technology Options
  • Project Requirements
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