Final Grades are posted – Farewell!

Hi everyone,

Your letter grades have been submitted to CUNYFirst, and you can find your final exam score and your overall course average in Blackboard.

It’s been a real pleasure working with you all this semester – you’ve been a fantastic group, and I’ll miss you. I wish you the best of luck as you pursue your career and education goals!

Prof. Reitz

Have a great summer!

Updated grades including Project are posted

Hi everyone,

I have updated your Grades in Blackboard — you will find your grades for all 3 exams, the project, the WeBWorK, and an overall “Pre-Final Course Grade” which shows you how you are doing overall prior to taking the final .

You should also have received a message/email through the Blackboard message system with more details on your Project grade. Again, my apologies for the long delay in returning these to you.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Prof. Reitz

Exam #3 grades are posted

Hi everyone,

Grades for Exam #3 are available on Blackboard. Exam papers will be returned in our next class.

I’ve also posted your current WeBWorK grade (this is a percentage grade, and includes any bonus points you’ve earned so far).

Prof. Reitz

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