Jonas Reitz | D744 | Fall 2024

Discussion: Introductions & Mathography

Your first OpenLab Discussion assignment is to introduce yourself to your classmates.  This assignment is due Wednesday, September 4th, at the start of class. Late submissions will receive partial credit.

Assignment (due 9/4/24). Add a comment in reply to this post introducing yourself to the class.  Your comment should be at least 2 paragraphs in length. 

In the first paragraph, introduce yourself in whatever way you wish. You could include your academic interests, why you chose your major, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, or anything else you want to share (include your pronouns, if you wish). However, remember that this OpenLab site is open to the public – you shouldn’t post any private information like an address or phone number, and it’s fine if you use a nickname or pseudonym rather than your real name.

In the second paragraph, choose ONE of the following two topics and write a response. Don’t forget to tell us which topic you chose.

Topics (choose ONE).

  1. Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?
  2. Sometimes people can recognize a time when their opinion of math dramatically changed either for the better or the worse. Tell us about it.

Extra Credit. Get to know your classmates! For extra credit, write a response to one of your classmates’ comments. Do you feel the same? Did you learn anything? Do you have any advice? Be kind.


  1. Nicholas Indar

    Name: Nicholas Indar

    Question 1: Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?

    ii a little bit about me is my name is Nicholas Indar I was born and raised in Elmhurst Queens NY. My major is Mechanical Engineering and I’m a Senior at the moment. I currently work for the “NEW YORK CITY PARKS and RECREATION” where I work & take care of children from ages 6-7,8-9, & 10-13 creating fun and interactive activities for them for the summer. I also work another job in Jamaica Queens as a retail sales associate at Skechers. Some hobbies I enjoy when I’m not working or at school are playing basketball and video games whenever I’m free.

    During my middle and high school years, Math has always been one of my favorite subjects alongside many. The reasoning behind it is the feeling of finally solving a difficult problem and getting the correct answer for it. The only problem was I was never good at Math no matter how much I tried. I managed to get through many of my college-level courses including ALGEBRA & TRIG, PRE-CALC, & CALC. Regardless of the situation or my lack of understanding of some materials, I’ll do my very best however it may be.

    Hope everyone finna have a smooth and calm semester.


    • Jonas Reitz

      Hi Nick – thanks for being first-to-post! Working with kids can be really rewarding (and also crazy frustrating at times) – I think it’s great life experience, enjoy the rest of your summer season at Parks & Rec.

      Luckily, the number one indicator of success in math is persistence – that’s the thing that will help you most in all your future activities (in or out of math)!

  2. Xinyi Lin

    1. Question: Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?

    Hello, my name is Xin and it’s pronounced as Shin. A little bit about me is that I am a transfer student and this is my first year at City Tech. I transferred from Hunter College and switched my major from computer science to Computer engineering. I haven’t looked around City Tech yet so navigating is still a bit of a problem for me. During the summer I took on a summer job at Ramapo Day camp. I worked with 4th-grade girls participating in activities with them and made sure they had a fun eventful summer, it was a lot but it was also fun. Outside of school, I like to play video games and chill with friends.

    Math for me is like a hit or miss. I enjoyed math a lot back in middle school and some parts of high school because I was able to grasp what I was supposed to do easily without much of a struggle, though in college that has changed quite a bit for me. Even though there were some struggles for me I enjoy getting to understand how math can be used and applied to different things in the real world.

    I am looking forward to this semester.

    • gabriel

      In the beginning, it can be difficult to navigate the college. I can’t count the amount of times I went to the wrong classroom. You eventually will get accustomed to the navigating the college.

    • Nicholas Indar

      Nice reading about you Xin and welcome to City Tech as you mentioned it’s your first year here. Hope you enjoy ur time here as it’s a pretty valid school for anything to do with STEM. I can also relate to the camp job you partook in for the summer as I did a similar job myself working & taking care of kids. As you mentioned “Math is a hit or miss” which is something I can connect to because sometimes my understanding of MATH can be a real headache no matter how much I try. Some advice I can give is to keep trying no matter how hard it gets cause at the end of the day things can & will get easier, perseverance is key.

      Nice meeting you

    • MinTheinKyaw

      It’s great that you appreciate how math connects to real-world applications wishing you a smooth and successful semester at City Tech.

  3. Louis Medina

    My name is Louis Medina, I’m a computer engineer major. I choose to do this major due to the fact there’s a lot of math apply to it. Math for me has always been my favorite subject and I was always good at it. Im a new transfer student to city tech, I’ve already completed my associated degree in Queensborough community college. This will be my first and last semester in city tech due to the fact that if I were to graduate from here I would receive a bachelors in tech and not a bachelors in science which I need to get my desire job. For fun activities usually like going out with friends and go out to eat or just hang out. But usually during the semester mostly like to just focus on school and work so when the semester ends I can fly back to my homeland which is Peru.

    Math has always been my favorite subject as I have mentioned before. Ever since elementary school math was always my top subject out of every class. I was always engaged working with numbers and formulas and it made me like it more due to the fact it was a course most people would struggle with. When I got to high school, I was put in honors algebra, geometry, trigonometry and pre-calc for my four years. Sometimes what can be upsetting is if you’re working on a long problem, midway through you could get one number wrong or one decimal place wrong and it could get you the whole answer wrong meanwhile all your work is correct.

    • Anna

      Hello Louis! I’m Anna and I also want to pursue a degree in Computer Engineering with a bachelors in science! I’m in my second year in city tech, and right now I’m working to get my associates in Liberal Arts and Sciences for that I can get the required credits needed to transfer over to another college that offers Computer Engineering Bachelors. When I first applied to college I didn’t realize there was a difference between a bachelors in science and a bachelors in technology until it was too late. Whilst it sucks to hear that you’re also in the same situation as me at the moment, I can’t deny part of me is a little relieved that I’m not the only one in this situation. I wish you the best of luck in your journey! Let me know how it goes! 🙂

  4. gabriel

    My name is Gabriel Joseph. I am currently an upper sophomore pursuing a BTech in Mechanical Engineering Technology. I chose that major because I am good at math and I find physics interesting. I enjoy going to the gym, biking and exploring the city. I work in the library part time as well as serve as the current vice president of the Mechatronics Club in my department.

    1. Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?

    Math was my favorite subject when I was around 13-16 years. it was favorite back then because it came easy to me and I didn’t really need to study or practice much (I still don’t). It currently isn’t my favorite anymore because there isn’t an area of math (as of now) that made me feel that excitement about learning something new.

    • Javier

      Hi Gabriel, nice meeting you! I see that you like going to the gym. Personally, I think that is a really great hobby, especially if you enjoy doing it, as it can only make you better as a person! Personally, I don’t really enjoy the gym mainly because it is almost always packed, however I still try to make time for it every now and then to keep a good shape.

      So you are the vice president of the Mechatronics club? That is such an awesome title to have! You must be very accomplished to have been able to steal such a position like that. Mechatronic is such an interesting subject and might even be the most important field of study today because of technology of what not. It was actually one of my childhood dreams to work with machines and creating my own, and I actually considered pursuing the degree once, however I was chickened out after I heard the number of physics involved with it. I am glad for you that you made it!

      • gabriel

        thanks for the kind words Javier. If you are interested, you are welcome to join our club. There will be a club fair event soon so check your school email.

  5. Angel

    Hello my name is Angel. I’m a computer engineer major. I’ve always been a big computer guy and since I was a kid always used computers for everything so I felt like it was the right choice for me. Outside of academics, I love exploring the city and music. Im a big music guy so I love going around to different concerts to explore new music. Also love exploring new restaurants with friends.

    Math was never my favorite subject but throught time I started liking it. It was around freshman year of high school. What I like about math is the challenge to solve a problem. It takes me time to solve a problem but I like the challenge of solving a problem or me struggling until I get it.

  6. Kennedy

    Hello, my name is Kennedy Castro. I am an Applied Chemistry major. Initially I started with the Associates program in Chemical Technology. Shortly before completing the Associates I learned the chemistry program was planning to expand into a baccalaureate to which I’m currently enrolled into. When I am not learning about chemistry I enjoy learning mixed martial arts. I am currently a 2 stripe purple belt in the Renzo Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu academy. I am also privileged to pass down knowledge as I instruct young individuals from the ages of 5-12 years old.

    Math was one of the easier subjects to me therefore making it my favorite. My opinion on Math changed when I realized how much of the concepts are interconnected as shown in calculus. Having to memorize all of the different formulas and understanding which ones to use for the specific problem began to create a challenge. This along with the rest of the courses where memorization is also key to learning added to the difficulty. But besides the difficulty, I have been able to successfully pass all math courses. So although I may find the courses more difficult, I am always up for a challenge.

    • Shomik

      Hi Kennedy,

      It’s great to learn about your journey from Chemical Technology to the Applied Chemistry program. It is nice that you’re pursuing your studies and teaching young students. Passing on knowledge is such a rewarding experience, and it is clear you’re making a positive impact on them. Keep up the great work, and best of luck with both your chemistry studies and your martial arts training!



  7. Javier

    Hi! My name is Javier Xie and I major in Computer Science. Since I was a child, I have always been interested in the world of electronics and how each they interact with our world. My curiosity first manifested as a few broken battery toys that where later repurposed into other less eye-appealing, but somewhat functional, gadgets such as a mini bulb flashlight, however, I was unable to continue this practice as it proved to be too heavy on the wallet. Fortunately, as I entered into the world of video games, I found a new and less destructive interest. I began to gain an interest in the mechanism behind the screen that tells the computer to show me all these colors and movements that fascinate me so much, and that is how I ended up as a CS major.

    Since I moved to New York, I often find myself skipping time playing video games due to a lack of other activities, however, back home, I used to hang out with my friends walking at the mall, playing table games at the local cafe, or just hanging out at each other’s house playing Smash Bros. Sometimes I also try to read some of the books sitting on my shelf to stop them from gathering too much dust.

    Math was never my favorite subject, but I never hated it either. To be honest, I think math can be pretty fun. The way it makes the gears in your head spin gives you a unique thrill, and the satisfaction of finally solving that one problem that gave you trouble for so long is equal to no other, however, math can also be so frustrating. Imagine putting together a 500-piece puzzle and, nearing the end, you find discover that the last piece you grab does not fit the final slot in your puzzle, and now you have to spend hours looking over every single one of those pieces to find out that you accidentally forced one nearly identical piece where it doesn’t fit. That is how math can sometimes be. I’d say I have a love-hate relationship with math.

  8. Shomik


    My name is Shomik Islam. I transfer from QCC, where I completed an Associate’s Degree in Computer Engineering Technology to City Tech. I’m continuing in the same major at City Tech.

    I haven’t taken Calculus in a while, so I’m a bit nervous about it. I hope to collaborate with Professor Reitz and my classmates to get up to speed. Math has always been one of my favorite subjects. I enjoy seeing how it applies to our everyday lives and how it can be used to create innovative solutions that help humanity and make the world more organized and clear.

    Although I’m not the strongest in math and I try do my hardwork and often need extra help, I’m dedicated and hardworking. I’m also friendly and caring, and I’m committed to doing well in my studies. I’ll greatly appreciate any support from the professor and my classmates.


    Shomik Islam

  9. Derek Carlozama

    Hello, my is Derek Carlozama this is my 5th year at citytech, yes I ended up last changing my major from technology teacher education to mechanical engineering, the reason I chose this major because I like cading,mastercam,and programing in the computer. Also for Hands on activity. I live in Astoria, Queens. I work in an after school program for elementary school

    Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?

    Math was my favorite subject ever since I was in 8th grade in middle school and high school. Because in the class that I took is algebra 1 to do Expressions and Equations, plug the graph of y=x function, I always almost every 90 in my report card, but in the middle years of high school sophomore, junior, I wasn’t not the best ace into the 90s on my report since high got kind of challenging when I got hit with a lot of word problems, unfamiliar concept of the problems. In senior I was once again really good to ace in 90s in most marking periods

    Extra Credit. Get to know your classmates! For extra credit, write a response to one of your classmates’ comments. Do you feel the same? Did you learn anything? Do you have any advice? Be kind.

    Yes we feel the same is He is 20 yo, 1 year apart from my age, We both study the same major which mechanical engineering, he is a transfer student for the 1st year at city tech, Before citytech he went to stony brook for 2 years and didn’t earn no degree. No advice.

  10. Anna

    Hello everyone! My name is Anna Raquel Ambrosi, I go by Anna, Raquel, or Ambrosi, whichever is more comfortable and convenient for you, I’m aware that Anna is a very common name and it can be a little annoying and confusing for others, myself included, when there are multiple people with the same name in a class. I’m currently in my first semester of my second year at City Tech, completing an associates in Liberal Arts and Sciences. My intended major is a Computer Engineering degree with a Bachelors in Science, which isn’t offered in City Tech, so I’m currently working towards transferring to another college after receiving my associates degree. When it comes to academic subjects I’ve always favored Science and Math related subjects, which is particularly peculiar to the people around me because I’ve always been much better at subjects like English and History, but that’s just because I talk a lot, some would say too much, which easily lends itself to such subjects, and I spend most of my free time complaining about how much I hate or even despise Math, Physics, and Coding to anyone who’ll listen, but I don’t really mean that, I would call it a love language.

    Math has always been my favorite subject, and I really mean always, but rarely has it been my favorite class. I know that sounds like an oxymoron, but I assure you it’s not. Your favorite subject is just that, your favorite subject; but, there is a lot that goes into your favorite class, for example, the teacher, the atmosphere, the class scheduling, just to name a few. Despite the fact the math is my favorite subject, I have a strange love/hate relationship with the subject. I’m not the best when it comes to math, I frequently have a hard time understanding basic concepts that seem to come easily to others. Math isn’t a subject that comes naturally to me, it is the sort of thing that I understand less and less the more I learn, Physics is much the same, actually. Despite how challenging I find math to be, I enjoy it. It is very hard to describe why exactly I like math but if I had to put it into words I would say that I enjoy math because to me it is almost therapeutic in nature. Solving a problem, the step-by-step, methodical nature of math is comforting to me, it is concrete and objecting. I guess I like math for the same reasons I dislike subjects like English, which is too opinionated and up for interpretation.

  11. Dhariel

    Hello, My name is Dhariel Gomez, and I am currently a sophomore majoring in Electrical Engineering Technology. My passion for innovation and technology pushes me every day to explore more. I primarily look forward to expanding my knowledge through hands-on projects and assignments. Technology is really fascinating to me because it is the face of modern innovation and problem solving. The fact that, as humans, we have managed to harness the power of electricity and implement it into all types of applications, from medical to even recreational, is a thing of wonder. Although I am passionate about electrical engineering, I do like to spend my time away from technology sometimes. In my free time, I like to walk around the city with music in my ear. I am not a musician, although that is something I would like to get into, but in the meantime, I sit back and enjoy the rhythms and melodies of each song that passes through my ears. Along with music, I love spending time with my family. We try to meet every once in a while to play a whole bunch of board games, Uno and Taboo being just two of many.

    1. Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?

    Math wasn’t always my favorite subject; in general, I didn’t like school, so I never really focused much on my studies. Not to say I didn’t get it or struggled; I just like every other naive kid didn’t think any of it mattered. As I matured, I came to the understanding that there is more to life than just hanging out with friends and acting like a hooligan. So I started to focus more on school and dedicated more time to learning math, which was fortunately one of the subjects that was enjoyable and was easy to grasp for me. Now there are many aspects of math that are interesting, but my favorite was geometry. I enjoyed the way we were able to breakdown shapes and calculate the angles based on laws and equations. Another reason I enjoyed geometry was due to the fact that in high school I had a very enthusiastic teacher; he really enjoyed teaching, and so his energy and passion translated into his teaching, and it found its way to his student. I was one of the lucky students who was able to share the same energy with him and others.

  12. Hubert

    Hello, my name is Hubert Mylek, but I usually just go by Hugh. I was originally born in Poland, that Slavic Central European country, but I moved with my brother and parents to New York City when I was around the age of 8 or 9. I still speak Polish, but mostly in my home, with my parents, so I tend to forget some words here and there, and if you first talked to me you’d think I’d just be another guy born in the states. I am a Computer Science major as I have always been interested in how computers work, less of the hardware side of things but more how a computer is able to communicate, and how a person is able to create things purely out of code. I’ve been interested in computers since a young age, I enjoyed taking apart and looking inside applications to see what made them run, how they are made, what sort of systems are responsible for putting all together, and all of that. That curiosity also encouraged me to create my own programs and apps, and ultimately led me down the path to learn more about Computer Science. In my spare time I enjoy being with friends, listening to music, mostly rap but I like many genres, and playing video games.

    1. Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?

    Math was never really my strong suit, but it wasn’t a subject I ever hated/disliked. Around math, I was always sort of neutral up until I started college 2 years ago. Over the years, I’ve grown to appreciate math and what it can provide, especially when in regards to my major. I’ve noticed many similarities between my major, CS, and math, I’ve noticed that they both require problem solving, which I enjoyed and still enjoy, that is really the reason I’ve gone down this path. I believe in order for me to improve, whether that be with problem solving, programming, or just school in general, math is a key subject for me that I’m slowly learning to enjoy over the years.

  13. Aqueel Joseph

    Hello, My name is Aqueel Joseph and I’m a currently a junior pursuing a bachelors in Construction management Btech.This is my third semester at City tech College as I transferred from the University of the West Indies which is in Trinidad and Tobago where I’m from. For those who don’t know Trinidad is in the Caribbean and yes Jamaica isn’t the only Caribbean country .Outside of academics, I enjoy biking around the city visiting new areas .One of my favorite places to visit is Prospect Park which is a refreshing greenspace with many sites to visit.

    1. Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?

    Math was my favorite subject growing up throughout high school as it came pretty easy to me .The thing I liked about math was that it is pretty straightforward with rules and steps that govern the logic behind the process arriving at the correct solution. But as calculus was introduced it made math a lot more difficult with the steps being a lot more complicated and easier to forget without a lot of practice. I look forward to having a educational semester with the most charismatic professor I had at the college.

    • gabriel

      That is cool Aqueel. Trinidad is the one under Grenada right?? It’s also cool we got the same last name!

      • Aqueel Joseph

        Yeah that’s the one, Trinidad is not as popular that’s why it goes unnoticed. That’s awesome, it’s always great to meet a fellow Joseph.

  14. Alex Heralall

    Hello, my name is Alex, and I’m majoring in computer engineering. I’m a bit of an introverted person, so I don’t usually have much to say about myself, but I’ll give it a try. The reason why I chose computer engineering as my major is because I like the idea of being involved around technology and how it connects throughout the world. In my free time, I enjoy playing video games, going to the gym, and watching anime. 

    That’s been my favorite subject since elementary and the reason why it’s because elementary had a really good teacher that would sit with me and teach math as if it was more of a game rather than a lesson. So later on throughout the years, I comprehended numbers better than words.

    • Dhariel

      Hey Alex,

      Im glad that you were able to share your likes with us. I applaud you for tackling such a complex major, I too share the same passion for computers and computer engineering but never had the courage to pursue it. But to your point is it not amazing how powerful technology is, it has the ability to connect all humans across the world with a press of a few buttons. Honestly outstanding. I see you said you play video games, was wondering what type of games your into? some of my favorites are sports games like FC24, 2K and Madden but that is just a few of the games I enjoy playing on PC.

  15. Ethan758

    Hello, my name is Ethan Louisy and I’m a sophomore inspiring to get my Bachelor in mechanical engineering technology. This is first semester at city and I recently transferred from University at Buffalo for some personal reasons.I was born and raised in St.Lucia, which is a small island in the Eastern Caribbean. I enjoy playing video games, watching movies and reading novels.

    • a) Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?

    Math was never my favorite subject in school.However, I have always been good at it, never struggled to understand the concept and for some reason they concepts always made sense to me. Despite this, I always found the subject boring and never found love for it. I am hoping this may change as I get further in my academics, but as of now it is not my favorite subject or a subject that I can say I love.

    • Ethan F

      Hey Ethan, it seems like we have more in common than just a name. I’m also a sophomore majoring in mechanical engineering. My parents were born and raised in Jamacia and I always wished I was born in Jamacia. I think it’s cool that you were born and raised in St.Lucia.

  16. Robert

    Hi I’m Robert and my major is computer engineering. I chose this major because I want to work with computer hardware and learn how to program. However, I mostly want to work with the hardware and find that learning how to program is a bonus for me. I enjoy playing video games with my friends. In my spare time I edit those clips that got recorded while we were playing to look back on. 

    The topic I chose to answer is the second. I noticed that I started to have a better opinion of math when I was a junior in high school during the quarantine. I enjoyed the satisfaction I would get from overcoming the struggle of a math problem. It also helped that from that point on I started to get better teachers, which was a major help in changing my opinion of math. 

  17. Marcos E.

    Hello everyone. My name is Marcos Esquea. I’m currently a third-year undergrad majoring in Mechanical Engineering. I have many hobbies, one of which is drumming and cooking. Currently, I’m the president for the Industrial Design Club, a club dedicated to teaching students to 3D model and manufacturing. Apart from 3D printing workshops, the club hosts speaker events where professional Industrial Designers visit City Tech to speak on their careers and experiences.

    Aside from this, mathematics is a subject I enjoy as well as a subject most commonly used in the engineering department. Wouldn’t say I’m the best, but I enjoy the challenges associated with the subject. As a teenager, I grew up hating it, a perspective I would soon change once I entered college. I had realized the importance knowing to calculate and apply functions to solve everyday problems, and the abundance of math everywhere around us. Truly a very interesting subject.

    • scott

      Hello Marcos! It’s great to meet you. Your journey through Mechanical Engineering sounds exciting, and it’s awesome that you’ve found a passion for both drumming and cooking—two very creative outlets that balance the technical side of engineering. Being the president of the Industrial Design Club is impressive; it must be rewarding to guide others in 3D modeling and manufacturing, especially through hands-on workshops and insightful speaker events.

      Your perspective on mathematics is really relatable. Many people struggle with it early on, but it’s interesting how your appreciation grew once you started seeing its real-world applications. It’s clear that you’ve not only developed a solid understanding of the subject but also a genuine interest in the challenges it presents. Looking forward to hearing more about your experiences and insights, especially how you’ve integrated these diverse interests into your studies and extracurricular activities!

      • Belinda Balbuena Flores

        Hey Scott! It’s awesome that you’re doing electrical engineering! I took an engineering class like you in high school and I enjoyed it very much. Although it was fun, I didn’t see it as something I would be able to do for the rest of my life but it’s nice to see that you got into it. It’s also nice that you care about your health and well being even if you also enjoy playing video games.

  18. scott

    My name is Scott Cruz, I’m an electrical engineering tech major from Queens New York and this is my third year in city tech/college. I choose Electrical Engineering because I was already was used to engineering in high school since that’s what it specialized in. So it just made sense for me to pursue that career since I already was informed about it and the applications that it is involved with the major before coming to college. Some of my hobbies involve working out, soccer(playing and watching) and playing video games/hanging with friends. Although I may like to game I also like to stay active and healthy because health is wealth and I also enjoy sports and being active. 

      A time when my opinion of math changed was at the beginning of high school .When I met this teacher that was very strict and fun at the same time. She would always want you to succeed and if you didn’t then she would help you find the problems you’ve made and make you figure out yourself to correct it. This changed my opinion of math because before that I didn’t really like it not because it was boring but because sometimes I would grasp the concept but then lose it a couple days later or not really understand it at all which made it very annoying and frustrating to come to class. Even though that was partially my fault for not putting in more hours into studying and helping myself. This teacher made it so that we would push ourselves even when we didn’t want to unless you wanted to be the odd one out in the class getting low grades compared to everyone else that is getting A’s. This changed my opinion on math and many things in life because it showed that if you really want to succeed in something you have to put in the extra work and to not be discouraged because apart of learning is making mistakes.

    • ilya

      Nice to meet you Scott! I felt the same way as you about math, because when I try to grasp the mathematical concepts, over time I lose track of them, and it requires more time to get back on track. Furthermore, I still find math hard, but I don’t think it’s boring. It just a lot of concepts all at once and it adds on like a snowball. Although I feel that math should not be forced like your strict teacher did, it is always important to take time and study. Even get tutoring sometimes. And I agree when you mentioned that making mistakes is part of the process, but in math, every small mistake can get you at different answer. I feel that we should understand the process of functions and how they work first and then when we are comfortable with it, we should focus on our end results/answers.

    • Evelyn Pulla

      Hi Scott, I really enjoyed reading your post immensely. It’s so inspiring to see how your teacher helped change your view about math by making you want to push yourself and not give up easily. That is relatable to all of us who get frustrated sometimes with math, but when one has someone believing in their potential, that makes a great deal. Your story reminds me of the importance of hard work and persistence, not only in mathematics but also in everything we do. Keep up the great work in Electrical Engineering, and I wish you could continue to find success both in studies and hobbies!

    • Belinda Balbuena Flores

      Hey Scott! It’s awesome that you’re doing electrical engineering! I took an engineering class like you in high school and I enjoyed it very much. Although it was fun, I didn’t see it as something I would be able to do for the rest of my life but it’s nice to see that you got into it. It’s also nice that you care about your health and well being even if you also enjoy playing video games.

    • Abdoul Nana

      Hi Scott, I totally agree with you. I think instructors do have a big influence on our opinion about subjects .I had a math teacher once who loves math but couldn’t actually inspire us. They way he taught was difficult to understand and he barely takes the time to explain. That was my worst math class ever.

  19. Michelle

    Hello, My name is Michelle Chen, this is my second year at City Tech, currently in the Liberal Arts and Science Major, this major would be useful for my transfer to City College’s architecture program. One of the books that I read that has an impact when I was young is the novel “Wonder” by R.J.Palacio and from high school was the famous dystopian book called “1984”by George Orwell.During my spare time, I like to be on electronic devices and for relaxation, I would chose to sketch.

    I think math was my favorite subject in elementary to middle school, since the problems were so straightforward on what’s being asked for the answer. Nowadays it’s more confusing using trick words as well as learning more knowledge, stacking on top of one another.But I do enjoy mathematic even today. I think the more practice problems I do, the more clearly I know the steps on getting my final answers.I think Math classes, or classes in general, are based on the professors/teachers, since it can make the class either exciting or very strict for the students. So far I’ve had wonderful and outgoing math professor making the classes more enjoyable.

  20. Fiyin Majekodunmi

    My name is Fiyinfoluwa Majekodnmi, but I typically go by Finn or Fiyin. I’m a sophomore in Electrical Engineering Technologies, and this is my second year at City Tech. I enjoy reading light novels, specifically anything that involves adventure, action, sci-fi, or fantasy. Besides reading, I like riding horses, I help teach some of the younger kids at the ranch how to ride and take care of them. However, you can find me playing ping-pong on campus or flying my drone nearby.

    When I was younger, math was one of my favorite subjects, if not it was my favorite subject. It was because solving equations was always easier and felt more rewarding than writing an essay or attempting to find the deeper meaning behind a passage I frankly didn’t want to read. The fact that there was one answer when it came to my math equation, rather than a slew of answers also made it more enjoyable. It shifted in high school, while math is still one of my favorite subjects, I never understood the reasoning behind some math courses such as Geometry; proving why a shape was a shape angered me. I prefer science to math now, mostly because the labs tend to be more hands-on and I enjoy the experiments.

    • Lilly Thomalla

      Hi Finn,

      I had basically the same experience with math as you – it is very satisfying to work towards a definitive right answer. Although I never really experienced a love for science, I have lately found more value in Geometry/Trig courses as proofs are definitely useful in problem-solving for me today.

  21. ilya

    Hello everyone. My name is Ilya. I’m majoring in mechanical engineering technology at City Tech. I’m currently in my senior year. I found interest in computer-aided design (CAD) as well as industrial designing through my major, because it is both hands on and creative in terms of product designing. Furthermore, it opens a room for designing your own projects and then 3D print them. In terms of academic interests, initially, I was into psychology. I like how human brain functions but specifically our behavior to an external as well as external factors which defines who we are. However, upon my research, I found that engineering is very broad and in demand. When I stepped into college, I decided to go with mechanical engineering because of job opportunities. Although my math isn’t my strongest suit, I wanted to learn more about how our world works and where engineering can be applicable. As a result, towards my senior year, I really want to combine both aspects of engineering and psychology towards my career, because it is very useful within industrial atmosphere later in life. On my spare time, I like to watch entertaining videos to get my mood up and spend time with my family and close-ones. It takes time for me to indulge into studies, but I try my best.

    1) Math was never my favorite subject. I found it very difficult to grasp the concept of numbers and math operations in general. Even throughout my high school years, I required some help with subjects like algebra and geometry. I didn’t like that everything in math is drastically reliant on previous math experiences. For example, algebra is needed in other strands of mathematics, like geometry and calculus. If one concept is missing, it’s harder to catch up over-time. Furthermore, even when I do understand math concepts such as calculus operations in terms of derivatives, I need extra time to really comprehend the idea behind why we do it, like many problems in calculus can be arbitrary but I really want to know the function behind all of our calculus operations. In a way, engineering, especially the one I am in, mechanical engineering requires a lot of mathematics, specifically calculus to calculate areas under the curve and most of the curves/graphs, I had certain problems about math throughout my education pathway and this year, I really want to study and understand calculus better. If needed, I would like to reach out for aid and I hope this class would help me to understand calculus better.

  22. ilya

    Hello everyone. My name is Ilya. I’m majoring in mechanical engineering technology at City Tech. I’m currently in my senior year. I found interest in computer-aided design (CAD) as well as industrial designing through my major, because it is both hands on and creative in terms of product designing. Furthermore, it opens a room for designing your own projects and then 3D print them. In terms of academic interests, initially, I was into psychology. I like how human brain functions but specifically our behavior to an external as well as external factors which defines who we are. However, upon my research, I found that engineering is very broad and in demand. When I stepped into college, I decided to go with mechanical engineering because of job opportunities. Although my math isn’t my strongest suit, I wanted to learn more about how our world works and where engineering can be applicable. As a result, towards my senior year, I really want to combine both aspects of engineering and psychology towards my career, because it is very useful within industrial atmosphere later in life. On my spare time, I like to watch entertaining videos to get my mood up and spend time with my family and close-ones. It takes time for me to indulge into studies, but I try my best.

    1) Math was never my favorite subject. I found it very difficult to grasp the concept of numbers and math operations in general. Even throughout my high school years, I required some help with subjects like algebra and geometry. I didn’t like that everything in math is drastically reliant on previous math experiences. For example, algebra is needed in other strands of mathematics, like geometry and calculus. If one concept is missing, it’s harder to catch up over-time. Furthermore, even when I do understand math concepts such as calculus operations in terms of derivatives, I need extra time to really comprehend the idea behind why we do it, like many problems in calculus can be arbitrary but I really want to know the function behind all of our calculus operations. In a way, engineering, especially the one I am in, mechanical engineering requires a lot of mathematics, specifically calculus to calculate areas under the curve and most of the curves/graphs, I had certain problems about math throughout my education pathway and this year, I really want to study and understand calculus better. If needed, I would like to reach out for aid and I hope this class would help me to understand calculus better.

    • Jayden Lindsay

      I really can relate to math not being my own strongest subject throughout school, but eventually ending up majoring a topic that requires heavy use of math and logical problem solving.

  23. Evelyn Pulla

    Hello, everyone! My name is Evelyn Pulla, and presently a student majoring in Data Science here at City Tech. I chose this major because I have always been fascinated by the power of data-one can drive decision-making and possibly bring patterns that are not immediately obvious. I am rather interested in data engineering, as mostly I like fiddling with technical data management, building systems that allow efficient data processing. In my free time, I love journaling, reading-especially in cozy spaces-anything from fiction to academic books-and exploring new cafes around the city. Also, I like learning about culture and am interested in literature, lately, I try to learn more about it. Pronouns: she/her.

    I chose the first topic for the second part: “Was math ever your favorite subject?” Math had never been my favorite subject, but in high school, everything changed. Therefore, I found math challenging and frustrating at times when I couldn’t understand the abstract concept in the beginning. Everything changed in my sophomore year when I took an algebra class, the teacher was so enthusiastic. He showed us the beauty of math in explaining the world around us. I started to realize how ‘logical’ mathematics was and how much problem solving were a part of it, it became a subject that I wholeheartedly loved and built a bond with-doing a complex puzzle, so to say. Maybe this change in perspective made me realize the importance of having a good teacher and how they can completely transform your understanding and appreciation of a subject.

  24. Belinda Balbuena Flores

    Hey everyone!! My name is Belinda and I’m a sophomore majoring in computer science. I became interested in computer science when I took an AP course in high school. It seemed very fun even though I know it’ll get harder, but I’m sure I’ll manage. I enjoy reading romance books and I read them a whole lot because it really helps me take my mind off things going on in life. Besides reading, I like to listen to music and sing in my spare time. Doing so helps me express my feelings which I find to be a healthy way for me to do so. My favorite shows are Gossip Girl and Young Sheldon and my favorite movies are Clueless, The Notebook and Instant Family to name a few.

    Unfortunately, I hate math. Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always hated it but I’ve been good at it which is weird. I’m not a fan of the rules or letters that are used in math. With all due respect, I believe mathematicians came up with nonsense just to make math longer. I just think math should be all about numbers. I know I sound silly because computer science requires math but I don’t hate it as much when I’m coding. I hope I perform well in this class.

  25. Abdoul Nana

    Hello, my name is Abdoul and I am a junior pursuing a bachelor in Civil Engineering Btech. I am originally from West Africa (Burkina Faso which is well known in Europe but not really here in the American country). I moved in the US two years ago and use to live in Kansas with my family. I decided to join my best friend here in New York as we are pursuing the same degree. As you can read I am not a native English speaker (and am still learning) hence please forgive if I quite hard for you to understand me. I speak fluently French, Moore and Bambara (Which are 2 among 8 main languages spoken in my country). My hobbies are soccer, watching anime on my spare time, always outside visiting new places around the city.

    Was math ever your favorite subject? If so, when was it? What about math made it your favorite? If math has never been your favorite subject, what about it do you not like?

    Math and Physics have always been been my top favorite subjects and are reason why I decided to pursue this major. Even though it’s hard and I struggle quite often with math, I think it’s a subject that is objective based on evidences. The reason why I like math is that it’s logical, and they’re defined rules. And I recently learned that the main catch is to actually try to understand those rules, not just to memorize them.

    • Min Thein Kyaw

      I agree your comment. Mostly math and physic are excited for us. However, we have many formula and that is trouble to memorization issue in exam .

  26. James

    My Name is James Rosas Cruz. I’m a mechanical engineering technology major. When I was a senior in high school, I didn’t know what to pursue so I chose what was interesting to me. I ended up sticking with it because I liked the creativity. I’m a transfer student from QCC so, this is my third year here at city tech. l enjoy listening to music, watching Futbol, and I like to hang out with friends & family.

    1. I have a Love-hate relationship with math. I loved math from middle school till high school. I was able to understand the material that I would finish the handouts at a fast pace but that came to an end in college. I hate that now there’s many rules you got to remember, and sometimes it gets confusing when there’s lots of variables involved. Its challenging now but what really bothers me is when you solve a problem correctly and still get it wrong due to a simple mistake.
  27. Mariame

    My name is Mariame Aghailas. I was born in Liberia, and raised in Staten Island. My major is Computer Science, AS. And I intend to get my bachelors in applied mathematics. I chose this because I’ve always been good at math, regardless if I liked it or not. But in the future, I want to get my Masters degree in mechanical engineering while I have the background in mathematics. I spend my free time working out, or making art, or just reading. I didn’t go to school for art, because that’s something I’d rather keep for myself until I’m ready. However I’ve been drawing for over 17 years now (I’m 22); It’s something that’s always been part of me. My favorite classic artist is Van Gough, the techniques I use in my art are heavily inspired by post Impressionism. My favorite modern artist is Serge Gay Jr. An incredible surrealist painter who inspires my creativity. The irony isn’t lost on me, the fact that I’m an artist who majors in a STEM field, math and art have a lot in common.

    2. I went from being mostly indifferent to appreciating the straightforwardness of math as a subject. My best subjects were always English or history. My teachers complimented my ability to analyze texts at a higher level than my peers. But for a while, I was good at math regardless of whether I tried or not. That changed when I got to calculus, last semester, and I actually had to put in work for the grade I wanted. The more I studied, the more I understood why people either loved or hated the subject, with very few in between. Unlike English, I didn’t have to spend hours trying to convince myself that what in writing is true and correct. There’s almost always a correct answer, and a direct process to get that answer.

  28. Ethan Forbes

    Hello class, my name is Ethan F(I only put my last initial because there’s another Ethan). I was born and raised in Brooklyn. It’s my second year at City Tech, and I’m majoring in mechanical engineering. I started with electrical but I switched towards the end of last semester. Outside of school, I enjoy being outside exploring, playing sports, and driving. I used to play a lot of video games but it’s been boring recently so I haven’t been playing as much. 

    Before I developed a love-hate relationship with math, it was definitely my favorite subject. It was around middle school that my hatred for it started to develop due to the teacher. But, I liked it again when had to take Algebra 1 and 2, and then when I took Geometry I definitely started to hate it again because it made NO sense whatsoever. But what made me like it in middle school was the exact that it came easy to me to a certain degree when I was younger. Then I liked it again when I took Algebra 1 and 2 because of how fun and energetic the teacher was. 

  29. Min Thein Kyaw

    Hi my name is Min Thein Kyaw. I am from burma. I really like summer season because it have many holidays and I really like feel on hot weather than cold weather. Furthermore hot weather is make me flesh mind when I go outside by beautiful trees and flower. And also can hangout in park and can spend time in summer. I really like to study the math and now I am taking computer science major which is basic on programming and math. Sometime math is hard to understand but when it is understand, it is really interesting subject.

    A. Two thing I am weak is English subject and commutation skill. In English mostly reading or writing, it is requester the vocabulary and grammar. Mostly grammar is fine but in english class, it is accurate in any words that is any writing. In reading, something I never see a word make me misunderstand the story line is getting mad for me.

  30. Lilly Thomalla

    1. My name is Lilly, I was born in Stuttgart, Germany and spent most of my life in Evanston, a suburb outside of Chicago. I completed my Bachelors in Science in Policy Analysis and Management in 2022 and am returning to take classes in mathematics before hopefully pursuing a masters degree in Economics. I have lived in New York for almost 2 years and love biking around the city, reading and cooking in my free time. Some of my favorite books include The Silent Patient, Four Winds and I always find myself rereading the Harry Potter series. Recently I have loved Yellowface and The Book Thief, and am now reading Educated!
    2. I loved math as it always came easier to me than other subjects, like science or history. However, I had a really hard time with geometry and trigonometry and grew to hate that area of mathematics, but I am excited for Calculus II not only for the content but to get better at struggling through math problems.
  31. Jayden Lindsay

    My name is Jayden and I’m majoring in Computer Engineering. I chose this major because I was getting more interested in building computers near the end of high school so I just decided to make it my major. Recently I’ve been learning how to cook from my mom. Some foods that I’ve learned to make are oxtail, barbecue chicken, and curry chicken.

    I can’t say that Math was ever my favorite subject, but I do have a Math class I really enjoyed. In high school I did enjoy Geometry class. It was pretty easy to do and I understood the work quickly as well. The teacher also made it easy to learn.

  32. Elijah Walcott

    My name is Elijah, i was born in NYC but I lived in the Caribbean for over 10 years. i move by NYC in 2021 when the travel restriction were lifted. I can to do my AS in computer science but I really want to be a Game Dev. I love Game as a pastime and as a art form. I also read a a lot of manga and webtoons, I’m a bit of a anime fan ya see.

    I don’t hate math but I don’t love it either. Math is a subject were you find the method to solve a problem and plug the numbers in. I’ve never had issues with that but I should be studying more to remember said methods. Math is a lot like coding in that aspect which I have come to like recently.

  33. Simon Zhou (Xian Ming Zhou)

    My name is Simon Zhou and I was born in NYC. The moment I was born I was sent to China for 6 years and I came back at the age of 6. I am new to City Tech because I just transferred. I am studying engineering. For hobbies I enjoy playing video games and swimming. I do not like math because I feel it is the most difficult subject for me to understand. I hope to get to know everyone!

  34. MinTheinKyaw

    Hi my name is Min Thein Kyaw. I am from burma. I really like summer season because it have many holidays and I really like feel on hot weather than cold weather. Furthermore hot weather is make me flesh mind when I go outside by beautiful trees and flower. And also can hangout in park and can spend time in summer. I really like to study the math and now I am taking computer science major which is basic on programming and math. Sometime math is hard to understand but when it is understand, it is really interesting subject.

    A. Two thing I am weak is English subject and commutation skill. In English mostly reading or writing, it is requester the vocabulary and grammar. Mostly grammar is fine but in english class, it is accurate in any words that is any writing. In reading, something I never see a word make me misunderstand the story line is getting mad for me.

  35. MinTheinKyaw

    Hi my name is Min Thein Kyaw. I am from burma. I really like summer season because it have many holidays and I really like feel on hot weather than cold weather. Furthermore hot weather is make me flesh mind when I go outside by beautiful trees and flower. And also can hangout in park and can spend time in summer. I really like to study the math and now I am taking computer science major which is basic on programming and math. Sometime math is hard to understand but when it is understand, it is really interesting subject.

    A. Two thing I am weak is English subject and commutation skill. In English mostly reading or writing, it is requester the vocabulary and grammar. Mostly grammar is fine but in english class, it is accurate in any words that is any writing. In reading, something I never see a word make me misunderstand the story line is getting mad for me.

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