MAT 1575 Calculus II

Jonas Reitz | D744 | Fall 2024

Grades are posted

Hi everyone,

The final exam grades and overall course average as well as letter grade have been posted to Brightspace.

It’s been a pleasure working with you this semester – I wish you the very best in your future studies and all your life adventures!

Best regards,

Prof. Reitz

Pre-Final Grades are posted

Hi everyone,

I have updated the gradebook on Brightspace to include all the WeBWorK and OpenLab Discussion submissions. I also added a new column which will give you your current (pre-final) grade in the class – it includes everything in the class except the final exam:

Overall Pre-Final Exam Grade

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns, and best of luck with your studying!

See you tomorrow,

Prof. Reitz

Love this class? Hate it? Please tell us about it!

Hi everyone,

Please complete your Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) for this class BY THIS FRIDAY 12/13/24.

This is pretty much the only way that the college knows what you, the students, think of the class. I do receive the anonymous feedback, and I use it to make adjustments when I teach the course again. Your feedback is anonymous and I won’t receive it until next semester. Let me know how you feel!

Go to Brightspace and look for this icon:

If you are a fan of detailed instructions, I’ll put some below 🙂

Prof. Reitz

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Discussion: Advice for the Future

Assignment, due Monday, 12/16/24 (300 words minimum): Imagine that you are invited to speak on the first day of MATH 1575, to give advice to entering students.  Write at least 300 words responding to one or more of the following questions, describing what you would say to the class.

  1. What do you wish that you had been told at the start of this class, to help you succeed?
  2. Choose one topic in the course that is especially challenging. Identify it, and give advice to students trying to master that topic.
  3. What is the most important prior knowledge (not taught in the class) that you need in order to succeed?  Why is it important?

Extra Credit.  Respond to someone else’s comment.  Do you agree? disagree? Have anything to add?

My Infinity

As a five year old, when I first learned about the concept of infinity, I didn’t take the time to really think about it. We learn that there are big and small numbers. And that some numbers get so high we can’t count them anymore. Infinity was as sure a fact as 1+ 1 = 2. My understanding was significantly skewed; I simply accepted infinity as an “end.”  I assumed there was a number before, but no number after. 

Years later on a camping trip in 5th grade, there was an observatory further away from the rest of the buildings, and an astronomer with a laser pointer taught us about constellations. I remember being told that there’s more stars in the universe, than there are grains of sand on all of earth. At the time, the most important takeaway from that night was the awesome laser pointer. But I kept going back to that fact and thinking “how would you know?” and “who counted the sand?”  My science teacher had taught us about rock formations earlier in the year, and my logic was that if rocks turn to sand overtime, then the amount of sand must always be changing. I didn’t get my first phone until 7th grade, so I had a lot of time to lay in bed and ponder about sand.

Even though I watch videos, and read, and look at all the demonstrations and animated comparisons, knowing the vastness of the universe often feels like forbidden knowledge I can’t hack into. If humans were cats, the concepts infinity and eternity would be laser pointers. That’s why cookie clicker games are so popular, and why there’s never enough money to satiate the billionaires. Maybe I’m looking at something purely computational and trying to force it into an anthropological box. But, in my opinion, people are often ruled by their fears or hopes of things that are eternal and infinite.  Perhaps my infinity is my need to be as informed as possible on everything all the time. This character trait isn’t helpful when I need it to be. So, I do my best to learn out of genuine curiosity rather than anxiety. 

I took this photo using my canon dslr camera. I was walking through a park in brooklyn, and there was a memorial with a garden of red and white tulips. This picture represents the feeling of insignificance you get when you realize how small the earth is compared to other celestial bodies, and the universe itself. The yellow tulip is the milky way..

Exam 3 Grades are posted in Brightspace

Hi everyone,

I’ve posted your grades for the third exam in Brightspace. Exams will be returned at the end of class on Monday. (NOTE: it looks like when I imported the grades for exam 3, it may have updated your “Midsemester Grade” as well as a few others — do NOT worry about these for now, they will be adjusted later! Your grades for Exams 1, 2 and 3 should be correct).

All the best,
Prof. Reitz

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