Active Learning Strategies
10:30 am Coffee and Welcome (City Tech, Namm 119)
Brief introduction to the grant, goals, expectations etc.
11:00 am Active Learning Strategies (City Tech, Namm 119
Presenter: Steve Hinds
Faculty will begin the session considering a series of questions/directions that are commonly used in math classrooms. A goal will be to discuss which of these questions are effective and which are ineffective in giving us useful information about our students’ mathematical understandings (and misunderstandings).
The bulk of the session will involve faculty in examining a series of exponential functions activities Steve has drafted that embody active learning pedagogy, and that stem from a series of content goals that include connecting students’ understanding of percent increase/decrease to exponential growth/decay, representing exponential growth/decay in equations/tables/graphs, and comparing exponential change to linear change.
Steve Hinds Materials for a pdf
or here for a word document.
1:00 pm Lunch and Discussion of Assigned Readings (City Tech, Namm 119)
Pre-Seminar Readings:
Does Active Learning Work? A Review of the Research by Michael Prince
Reading Prompt 1 and 2
1:20 pm Feedback and Photos
Upcoming Events:
Note: Seminar #2 is separate for City Tech and BMCC fellows
Friday, September 15, 2017, 10:30 am-1:30 pm: Seminar #2 – Using Open Digital Pedagogies in the Math Classroom (City Tech, Faculty Commons, Namm 227)
Friday September 15, 2017, 11 am – 2 pm: Seminar #2 – Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) (BMCC, S 603)