Infinity: Mohammed Alamin

The Powers of 10

Infinity means something that has no ending. Something that goes on and on without any limits. I don’t know exactly at what age I was introduced the idea of infinity, however, in the early ages, I was introduced the idea of God being infinite that God has no beginning and no ending, and He is the everlasting. When I was young, from religious perspective, I knew what infinity is, but I didn’t really understand the concept of infinity until I faced calculus in High School.

In mathematics, “infinity” is not a real number, it’s a symbol. When some numbers or series goes forever and ever, we say that it’s an infinity. I took a picture of a leaf. Now, we will take a trip by digging into the leaf, reducing the distances of travel by factors of 10. With the factor of 1o, we will see the mechanism of a single leaf/matter goes to infinity.

10^0 is our starting point which is a distance to a bunch of leaves in the garden. 10^-1 is getting closer at 10 cm. We can delineate the leaves. At 10^-2, it is possible to observe the structure of the leaf. At 10^-3, the cellular structures start showing. At 10^-4, the cells can be defined, and we can see the union between them. At 10^5, start our trip inside the cell. At 10^-6, the nucleus of cell is visible. At 10^-8, in this micro universe the DNA chain is visible. And it continues up to 10^-16. After this nowhere more to go at the limits of current scientific knowledge. After this, if scientist come up with more information about this matter, still this process has no ending. As a result, it goes to infinity.

The idea of powers of 10 from micro to macrocosmos was also introduced in the short film “Powers of 10” by Charles and Ray Eames. This film could also be found on Youtube.



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WebWork Help…

I wanted to create a forum where students can help other students who are having trouble with the WebWork problems. I don’t know why this hasn’t been done before, but it’s never too late to ask for help.

I also find it particularly annoying to keep going back to the OpenLab Homework Assignment #4 post to get the link to log into WebWork. Hopefully, most of you are smarter and just made the link a bookmark or a pinned tab in your browser but, if you haven’t, clicking any of the webwork links or webwork icons above will take you there. You can also right click any of them and select “Copy Link Location”, to get the url and save it somewhere.

I’d say, as far as asking for help goes, try to use in your queries. It makes it easier for others to understand what you’re asking, so help them help you. But I also understand that it’s difficult to get the coding right sometimes so just try your best. And, if it doesn’t work out, express the problem clearly with plain text in a reply.

And, this kind of goes without saying but, Mr Reitz can obviously read this so it wouldn’t behoove you to flat out ask others for answers on here. And, if that happens, this post will likely get deleted. So with that in mind, use it as you will.

Hope this helps.

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Mirror Infinity By Taslima Akther

By now we know the definition of infinity. This is a number that never ends, which has no limit. It’s very difficult to understand the complexity of this number till you don’t fully understand the basic math. We don’t use infinity in ever day of our live but we are always connected to it.

I don’t exactly remember the first time infinity was introduced to me. I do remember a time when my mom took me to a salon to cut my hair. I was maybe 6 years old. The most thing grabbed my attention in that salon was the mirror. The mirror reflected my image so many times that I couldn’t finish counting it. The Image above is a great example of it.  It always fascinated me but didn’t bother me to ask anyone why this happens. Now that I have come to learn infinity, I now know the reasons behind it. In class I was first introduced to infinity through PIE. That’s the time I started to learn about infinity in class.

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Infinity by BettyAnn John-George MAT 1575/6638


What exactly is infinity ?

Infinity is a difficult concept to grasp fully and it is crucial when learning calculus. Infinity does not play a role in our everyday lives. We are finite and living in a finite world. Our lives have definite beginning and endings.

To grasp some sensory experience of infinity is to gaze toward the heavens on a beautiful sunset evening. This picture shows that the sun is infinite, boundless and undefined. It remains an open question, whether the universe actually extends forever. Infinity remain untouchable in its perfection.

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Keyla Arana – My Introduction to Infinity


Pi is perhaps the greatest example of infinity, simply because it is a number that goes on forever and ever. There is no end to it. This is why I chose to represent it in a photo.
Infinity means being infinite; infinite means being limitless or endless.
When I was much younger, about 5 or 6, the greatest number I knew was a billion. Then one day, in that same year, my sister, who was about 11 at the time told me about the “number” infinity. She explained to me that it was the greatest of all numbers. It is quite obvious to me now that she was wrong, but for about a year, I believed all that she had told me about infinity. I thought that it was a number that you can actually get by adding or multiplying.
It was when one of my teachers told me about infinity that I actually understood it’s real meaning. I was surprised and confused at the same time. It took me a while to realize that the number line never ended, simply because you can always add one to any large number and get an even larger number, like a billion and one.
Even though I know of infinity’s true definition, I still use it as if it were just a large number (only when describing something), for example, when I tell someone I love them, sometimes I say “I love you times infinity plus one”.
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Lance H: 2012 ’til Infinity

Infinity, by definition, is the notion of something that has no end.  Something that does not grow, but something that is fully formed.  I believe that infinity is something that is not attainable, but yet its something we strive for.  We strive for a very great amount or degree (whatever that may be).  Also to be continued indefinitely.

I can’t exactly remember when I first came across the notion of infinity, probably when I was about 5 or 6 years old when Toy Story came out.  Buzz Lightyear shouted the famous “To infinity and beyond” quote.  More notably, I heard it on a rap song called ’93 ’til Infinity by Oakland based hip-hop group Souls of Mischief.  Although the song has absolutely nothing to do with Math, the context basically deals with their daily lives.

The picture you see is a view of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, which connects Brooklyn and Staten Island. I believe this image represents two points which continues on far beyond the pictureitself without a specific end.  With that said, the farther you go, you’ll end up with a different result (or in this case, location) every time.


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Infinity, Bibin Koshy

What is infinity or what does it really mean when something is called infinite? Well if we were able to answer that one question, we probably could solve the many unsolved mysteries of this world.  Infinity at its most general form means an indefinitely great amount and to find just exactly what really is this “indefinite ” amount was and still is one question  many scientists have  been trying to solve for the past couple of hundred of years. Ever since the first numerical system, humans made significant progress in the field of mathematics and physics. As a result of that significant progress, humans placed numbers and categorized those numbers  with nice words like billion, trillion, and so on. Although these words explain how many zeros makes up a billion and trillion, it still doesn’t explain an end to these numbers. It is only upon knowing  this fact that there are no just one finite number that can be dictated as an the end of an infinite amount, that many scientists brought up the topic of approximations called limits and used those approximations to explain a functions behavior as a certain variable approaches infinitely.

It is behind this key concept called the limit that much of calculus were created. Moreover, It is also from this idea of limits and approximation, that many measurements are taken and recorded. Almost everything in this world scientists look at to measure is based on some kind of approximation. An example of this can be the measurement of how many leaves and branches on a particular tree like in the picture above. For someone who doesn’t know how to make the exact measurement on say for instance, how many leaves are actually on a particular tree, is to find a method that takes an approximate value. It is basically this idea called limit approaching infinitely to a certain vague number, that many mathematicians still try to develop even today.



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The idea of infinity: endri domi

In my opinion the idea of infinity is something that has no end, either veryyyyy big, or veryyyy small or in another word endless!!! I understand infinity not as a number since it cannot be added, multiplied, subtracted or divided with real numbers unless infinity is defined as number (t as we take examples in class) or take an example that 1+1=∞, 1+1+1+1+1=∞, and because it will never reach infinity, i just think of it as a concept of math.

I remember i was introduced to infinity in middle school where we started studying the characteristics of a line and we said that a line has infinity points in it. I didn’t pay much attention to this because i thought this is just another headache that math introduces to you and only thought of it just as a big number, but the more you study the more learn.

Through these pictures i am expressing the idea of what i think infinity is in nature.

As we can see in the pictures, of course this line HAS a finishing point, and to mention it again, i think that infinity is just a term to describe usually very big (large) amount or number to express something bigger than you could imagine.

In these two pictures i am showing the shore line expressing this line as infinity because we can see that it goes on and on until the end.

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David Chen: Infinity

This gallery contains 1 photo.

What is infinity? Infinity is the idea of something that has no end its endless. For example in math infinity is not a real number, it is an idea. An idea of something without an end, its like a label … Continue reading

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Theo Zeng: Infinity in our universe



What is infinity? To me infinity is an idea of something that has no end. In mathematics we know that infinity is just some big endless number, but what do we think of infinity in reality? Well to me I just have to look to the sky, our universe, and I can firmly believe that it is boundless. I believe it was when I first started learning to count and doing algebra was when I discover about the term “infinity”. I usually just think it is some huge number that stops somewhere, but as I grew up more and become aware of what it is, I finally took up the idea that infinity is just something that has no limit. It is endless.


The picture I posted was taken by me on a beautiful clear sky. The sky is just basically the space vacuum of the universe, and when we think of the universe it has lots of stars and systems and galaxies that we just assume is infinite. At least to me that is what I think of the universe.

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