Author Archives: Kaila Santiago

Blog Post 11

Final Culture Jam

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Culture Jam Draft 1

Culture Jam

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Blog Post 10

One idea for my culture jam is Tik Tok shop, which is a function within the app that allows users to purchase items shown in live videos. Users can watch a review of a product and directly add it to … Continue reading

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Blog Post 9

A passage I found interesting in “Technological Warfare” by Jason De Leon was on pages 154-155 when the author is describing the border patrol facility. The description of the facility and agent giving a guided tour is very different from … Continue reading

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Blog Post 8

In “Video Games and Computer Holding Power” author Sherry Turkle explains the positive and negative consequences of video games on users. Rather than first discussing negative consequences, Turkle lists the many positive effects of videogames such as encouraging creativity, sparking … Continue reading

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Blog Post 7

While reading “From a Native Daughter” I was curious if the spiritual aspect of culture gets lost in written history. I had this question after reading the bottom of page 125, where Trask recounts their grandmother’s description of the land’s … Continue reading

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Discussion Question and Remediation Answer

Group 1  – Kaila and Abraham Is the author’s intention to attract and repulse the reader through their writing effective? Remediation is the transformation from one media to another. The “media” in remediation is referencing the media that people engage … Continue reading

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Blog Post 6

In “The Electronic Book” by Jay David Bolter I found the idea that books are anthropomorphized in western culture (p. 79) interesting. I had never thought about how the outwards appearance of books are their unique visual identity that competes … Continue reading

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Technology/Media Exploratory Final Draft

Tech Exploratory Final Draft

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BP 5–Exploratory

Tech Exploratory I found this project to be challenging. I had trouble writing my thoughts since McLuhan’s ideas are so abstract. Also, I found myself disagreeing with McLuhan at times and struggled to apply his concepts in a way that … Continue reading

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In Class Work 9/28

McLuhan’s ideas of amplification/amputation, hot and cold media, and the medium is the message can all be incorporated into my paper. Firstly, visual effects and multitrack recorder amplify and amputate the user. For instance, the invention of motion control cameras … Continue reading

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Blog Post 4

Part 1 Paywalls: This technology limits access to content, those who can afford it are given access while others are not. Many credible news sites such as the New York Times or Wall Street Journal require users to pay for … Continue reading

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Blog Post 3

Drawing Tech Lit Narrative

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Blog post 2

Part 1: 1. Did McLuhan not have a clear, thesis, viewpoint, or linear structure in his writing because it would defeat the point that he is trying to make? (what he is saying does not matter because the medium is … Continue reading

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“Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change” Kaila Santiago

The “Five Things We Need to Know About Technological Change” by Neil Postman urges us to be critical of technological advancement and consider who and what these technologies serve and the greater effects they have on culture and society. Firstly, … Continue reading

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