Response # 8

“How a whistleblower brought down Chicago Police chief”

“In response to the demand for further accountability, Emanuel asked for McCarthy’s resignation on Tuesday this week. He also introduced a new task force that will aim to improve misconduct investigations and establish “best practices for release of videos of police-involved incidents.”” (Page 5)

 Literally– In this quote, it states the pressure from the general public, protesters, and activists lead to the mayor of Chicago Rahm Emanuel to force Garry McCarthy to resign from his position as Chicago’s Police superintendent. It also prompted Mayor Emanuel to form a new task force, which would focus on improving the investigations of police misconduct and the improvement of releasing police-related videos.

 Intellectually– This makes me about think if the whistle blower decided not to come forth with the information he knew, McCarthy would have never reigned posing the thought of how many other cases McCarthy tried to cover up, and the mayor probably would not have created a task force. Everything would have gone as business as usual and the video of Laquan McDonald would have been buried. I don’t expect the police would ever take accountability because they act like everything they do is perfect and their actions are justified. Some officers are using the profession to take advantage and not truly protect and serve the public because they stick together even when there is a bad apple, I sound like the “Corporation”, that is why some people have a difficult time trusting and believing in the police. I also think about the officers who tongues are tied because they don’t want to appear like they are turning their backs on a fellow officer even when their actions are clearly wrong.

 Emotionally– When I read, hear, or see cases like Laquan McDonald’s it is very disheartening because in the back of my mind I know there will be another situation similar to his. The circumstance of the future incident will be different, but what will stay the same is an African American male would have died. In Laquan McDonald’s case the truth came out, but in plenty of other cases it will not be same outcome. The deadly interaction with the police and African Americans seems to have no end.

 Relationally– I can relate this quote to the Jose Carmona reading. In both readings a task force was thought of to address the problem with violence between the police and the people of color. I also relate this to what Carmona said about the police worrying about their image. Since the footage was released, the state’s attorney and the mayor did not what to be attached and take responsibility to the idea that evidence was withheld on their watch.  I feel like if Officer Jason Van Dyke wanted to disarm McDonald why not shoot at his foot or leg. Better yet like Carmona mentioned with less lethal weapons, why don’t they shoot tranquilizers or tear gas at people who were in a state like Laquan McDonald. This would prevent any mobility and it will also prevent the death of a man who would be shot sixteen times. I do not paint all police officers with the same paint brush, not all of them are bad. The problem is the bad ones shoot first and don’t bother to ask any questions just simply remain silent. If an African American male is doing something wrong and he is armed and dangerous, I expect the police to disarm him in a safe way, I understand that is easier said than done, but there has to be a better way. Afterwards an investigation should be held to determine whether he is guilty or not, and if so, he goes to a court and gets sentenced. In these situations it doesn’t get that far whether or not the man was truly guilty or not.


“White Anxiety: Rachel Dolezal, Dylann Roof and the Future of Race in America” By Nick Powers

“The turning point was Bacon’s rebellion in 1676, when European indentured servants and Africans marched to Jamestown and burned the capital down. Terrified of the poor uniting in arms, the ruling class first quashed the rebellion and later instituted privileges for Europeans and restricted for Africans.” (Page 2)

Literally– This quote is explaining how a rebellion lead by enslaved Africans and European immigrants against the ruling class in 1619 would impact, change the lives, and lay the ground work of how white people will treat African Americans in the future to come.

Intellectually– I think it is amazing how the choices made almost 400 years ago are still having an effect today. This also makes think about how some people think racism doesn’t exit or it can be resolved quickly. How can you think that way when racism has been going on for hundreds of years, and within that time, it has evolve and steeped, and affected all aspects of society. The only difference between 1619 and 2016 is racism was done out in the open and accepted. The same mentality is there regardless its more closeted now and that’s why the world can’t get past it.

Emotionally– When I read this quote it makes me feel both hopeful and uneasy. Hopeful because it illustrates that when something is blatantly wrong, a society will stand up and no longer accept the wrongful treatment done to them. In the first quote I chose for “How a whistle blower brought down Chicago Police chief,” I said at times it could seem as if situations that involve racism seem to have no end in sight only because it keeps on happening, but I also know that eventually it will stop because nothing last forever and everything has end. The concept of racism is too old to expect that it will end in 50 or 100 years from now. I believe it will end just not in my lifetime.

 Relationally– This relates to both “The Liberal Solution to Police Violence” and for “How a whistle blower brought down Chicago Police chief,” because the idea of solution does not address the underline issue of racism. The ruling class did not acknowledge why the Africans and the Europeans decided to rebel against them instead the solution that was thought of was  they can continue their old ways just towards the Africans and they slightly change for the European Immigrants by giving them some privileges. This is similar to the idea of creating a tasks force. Carmona said the task force doesn’t investigate how people of color being treated instead it only act as a quick fix by saying to use body cameras and weapons that are not as lethal as guns.


“A Public Menace” By Dorian Lynskey

“When the members arranged a screening on Jan. 29, their fears were confirmed. It was, they claimed, both “historically inaccurate and, with subtle genius, designed to palliate and excuse the lynching and other deeds of violence committed against the Negro. They sought to have it barred on the grounds of public safety.”” (Page 4)

Literally– In this quote, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) had arranged to view the film The Birth of a Nation upon hearing how controversial it was. After viewing the film, The NAACP expressed how they felt and tried to get the film banned for the safety of the blacks during that time.

 Intellectually– I think about how the same idea still occurs today. African Americans are still portrayed a certain way in both television and in films. The difference is it’s not as over the top as it is in The Birth of a Nation. There are some people in America who have never had any interaction with a black person before and if they ever did, they would probably have preconceived notions about black people all because of what they saw on TV. If the same thing was done to them, they probably would be upset and gladly correct those falsities, but as for black people for some strange reason it becomes a fact.

Emotionally– This quote annoyed me because D.W. Griffith, Thomas Dixon, Jr  had the gall to justify their thoughts and actions through the creation of The Birth of a Nation. It is very upsetting to read what done back then because the hate that people had were so blatant.

Relationally– I relate this quote to Duncombe’s “Learn from Las Vegas.” Thomas Dixon and D.W. Griffith created this spectacle that lynching and any other treatment was acceptable, that black men were overly sexual, violent and unintelligent, and other stereo types. The spectacle of this film portrayed worked because those who watched the film would believe in what they saw and the film would have lasting effects on how black people are viewed.

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3 Responses to Response # 8

  1. Jvega says:

    you did a good job explaining your quotes

  2. Abigale says:

    Kimberly, I really liked that you compared the quote about the whistleblower to the Carmona piece! It seems as though the mayor and even President Obama was more interested in fixing the image of the police force without ever reprimanding them for the harm they inflicted on innocent people. I’m glad you pointed that out. Great job as usual!

  3. I loved reading your response. I also liked the quotes you chose. Great Job

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