Part 1:
- Each image is unique but hard to interpret its meaning.
2. How did people misinterpret McLuhan’s teachings?
3. Why did they feel like there was nothing to gain from McLuhan’s reading?
4. Does the image on page 19 mean anything?
5. On page 20, it states McLuhan had no point of view but also states he had no fixed point of view which goes against his beliefs. What were his beliefs?
6. I would love to read McLuhan’s pieces, “The Mechanical Bride” and “The Gutenberg Galaxy”
7. Does anyone agree with McLuhan’s answer to the question on page 38, “What sort of changes did it bring?”
8. I agree, that words and technology are artifacts.
9. Seeing MAD magazine was interesting, it is a form of parody on media. I personally never got into the show or magazine.
10. Why does McLuhan believe that if Hitler was on television he would have disappeared quickly?
Part 2:
“Nothing has its meaning alone. Every figure [consicously noted element of a structure or situation] must have its ground or environment [ the rest of the structure or situation which is not noticed]. A single word, divorced from its linguistics grounds would be useless. A note of isolation is not music. Consciousness is corporate action involving all the senses (Latin sensus communis or ‘common sense’ is the translation of all the senses into each other). The ‘meaning of meaning’ is a relationship.” (Page 29)
This quote shows me the relationship between context and elements, understanding is much broader than its meaning while also having more to its context. “Figures” as stated in the quote has a connection with its meaning and doesn’t just solely have a meaning on its own.
Part 3:
(Page 28)
I selected this image because it could be interpreted in multiple ways. Is it how they process the context of the “real thing” or do they truly not understand what is a REAL thing?
EDIT: Would not let me share Word document, here is the link to the Google document:
Hi Ashiley,
I am also really curious about how McLuhan was misinterpreted because I think there are many ways it can be due to the nature of his work. Also, I agree with you about wanting to read McLuhan’s other works. I think part of the why the concept of the “medium is the message” has been hard for me to grasp is because it seems like his works are very interactive(?) in a sense.
Peer Review:
Hello Ashley,
Hope all is well I enjoyed reading your paper on the impact of new media. I would like to start by saying how I loved how you made this your piece such as providing facts from your childhood on how books played a role in your upbringing. Stating your experiences also made this piece come to life based on your experiences and memories behind it. What I can suggest that you add to this paper is to give more background information on the club that you did with the librarian and the change presented as if it were in today’s society. Would it be the same or would it be different due to the media? If so then how? I will also suggest adding more on the technological factors that played a role in your childhood that are as memorable to you as books are. Lastly, the abstract paragraph which I think is the first paragraph you presented. Overall, great job I enjoyed reading your essay!!