“All of that said, however I am certain that the study of video culture within the framework of electric has a bright future. It is least then to end the way Participatory Composition began: embed. like. share. comment. check in. upload. participate.”
Literally: I think it means technology advancement is not stopping now. According to Arroyo, electracy is still in its “infancy” stage. It hasn’t fully developed as of yet. There is no way to go back and get rid of it all so, might as well get use to the way it began. You have to keep up to date in this electrate world.
Intellectually: Thinking about electracy still being in its infancy stage is somewhat frightening. What could possibly be after this electrate world that we live in today. It makes me think about movies where they would communicate through a hologram. I think that would be the next step after the facetiming. Also it made me think about another movie called “smart house” where the entire house is voice activated, doing things it was commanded to do.
Emotionally: It is frustrating at times to keep up with the electrate world. Everything is being done through the internet. It is unimaginable to think soon these machines might take over humans. But also, as technology advances, so would our lives would change again. It might make life easier if you are able to afford it. It is important to get a good job now, that hopefully in the future a machine don’t take it over.
Speculatively: Videocy and electracy is here to stay and expand. Since electracy is still in its infancy stage, there is a lot more to come. They might soon make computers where it can display holograms and you would be able to see and upload your own hologram video for the world to watch. Every Car would soon drive itself in the future. The future of this world is not for the poor but the rich. Every body’s minds are corrupted on the internet but don’t realize they are being brainwashed while the world changes without consciously knowing.