This Blessed House was a marvelous story.  I can read this again and again. Twinkle and Sanjiv are hilarious together.  This sweet little story tells of two people starting their  lives together and getting to know each others personalities. The thing I enjoyed most was that even though they were arranged by matchmakers, they were just like any other couple with flaws and querks that each had to get used to. Twinkle knew how to handle Sanjiv with patience, because Sanjiv was a person who worried about everything. Twinkle was a care free spirit.  Throughout the story the couple has various disagreements about whether or not to rid their home of the religious items that kept popping up. I sensed that Twinkle always knew she would have her way with her new husband.

Sanjiv had no more experience being married either, and it showed.  I laughed so many times reading his ridiculous comments about the religious artifacts.  However much he complained, Twinkle paid him no mind. That was funny to me. I really like his submission to her at the end. I guess the saying is true,  “A happy woman makes a happy home”.  This Sanjiv knew for sure.