Assignment for Next Week (Monday, Sept. 27)

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Writing-Process (1)


Writing Assignment:

1. Write a  paragraph about an educational experience you have had in life, inside or outside of a school setting. Your paragraph should set the scene for the reader: when, where, and what, before describing the experience and what you learned in the process.  This will ultimately be fleshed out and become your Unit 1 essay (see Major Assignments).

Upload your assignment to this GoogleDrive.

2. In our next class we will work on transforming this paragraph into an Outline for your Unit 1 Education & Identity narrative.  For #3 here, start thinking about how you would like to tell your story.  Where do you want to start, and where do you want to end? What are some important ideas and memories? What are some compelling details you can provide throughout the narrative, to support your ideas? What might your paragraph order be?   You could address these questions in a paragraph, or copy and paste the outline (delete the example text) in your Comment  and fill in the information there.


  1. Egor

    I would like to start with a quote “Franklin Delano Roosevelt High School’s mission is to provide an environment that enables all students to grow academically, intellectually, socially and emotionally. We recognize the importance of celebrating diversity and culture in our community.’’ This shows the school that I’ve gone to showed a lot of things to me and learned new things like being funny, interesting and open-minded. Also when Corona happened it had a lot of disadvantages because the learning was really hard and I could’ve done the online and I’ve tried but I got used to it and then it was easier.

  2. Hailey Lopez

    The influence that I had of a perfect teacher would have to be my High School US Government teacher, Ms. Cahill. She both influenced me inside of the school building and out. As many my last year of high school was in a way ruined due to the virus that was going around worldwide causing many to lose hope and encouragement. I was one of those people, I didn’t want to participate in class yet alone did I find the need in completing homework assignments. My teacher saw the change in me and my peers throughout the last year and every chance there was she found a way to remind us that there was something to look forward to. Whether it was graduations for some, college for others, or even just the simple fact that we are alive and healthy.

  3. Jahlyssa M

    Before Covid-19 ended my school year I would always get inspirational words from one of my bubbliest English teachers. He would always find a way to make us see the good in the bad. He would always tell us that “Success is a journey not a destination”. During the lockdown a lot of students loss the motivation to do school work anymore because it was hard online or because they simply didn’t want to be bothered because they knew that they would probably never get the chance to step foot in the school buildings gain. I didn’t loose faith because although things weren’t looking good I still knew that I wanted to walk across that stage and recieve my diploma so I could make it to the next level.

  4. pawel szkolut

    Before covid-19 i would always get up in the morning to a teacher who was happy to teach the class about new stuff in history. He would find a video for us to watch then we either talked about it or went into groups for a project/discussion. Often these talk’s would lead to life advice. After covid these discussions eventually died down to a simple hw assignment that we had to do the same day or next class. i would lose interest over time because it was online and i didnt get to see the teachers.

  5. Reina Montano

    Educational Experience…

    One of my greatest educational experiences was about 6 years ago when I came to live here. I was 14 years old and I was in 8 grade almost finishing the year in my country (El Salvador), but when I came here it was very difficult for me because my parents decided that I had to repeat the eighth grade because I did not know anything about here or how to travel by train so I had to repeat 8 grade So I practically identified myself as a stranger doing something I had already done, and the worst thing was when I went to math class where I only saw numbers and more numbers without any meaning to me, in fact I have never been friends with mathematics but because of that I also gained many wonderful experiences with new people, I learned a lot about the difference of Classes here and in my country the difference is a lot and little by little I got into it until I got to where I am, believing that dreams come true.

  6. Bijoy Paul

    The best educational experience that I’ve had was a teacher who has seen my progress in high school. Coming into 11th grade, I had one thing in mind which was to improve my grades since I didn’t have the best grades in 10th grade. My algebra teacher with someone who taught me in 10th grade and I wanted to prove to her that I’ve changed as a student. I went above my expectations in 11th grade and she provided me feedback throughout the year to give me guidance about my math work.

  7. Arnold Ludd

    Arnold Ludd 09/21/2021

    educational experience

    Today September 21, 2021, I sit to write about an amazing educational experience I had that took place inside and outside the school setting. One day back in November 2020 me and my friend group called Jiggabite a name that we came up with within our old high school Bcam. We had a conflict one day going back and forth at each other and I wanted to get a hold of it before it got out of hand. At the time on youtube, it was a trend going on-call Gloves Up, Guns down where groups of people got together and boxed in a backyard. So that inspired me and I bought 2 pairs of boxing gloves off amazon a blue and red pair of 18 oz 2021 Jayefo Sports Beginners Boxing Gloves for Men & Women Vegan Leather Muay Thai Kickboxing MMA Sparring Heavy Punching Bag Mitts Pro Style Gloves. When I received them, me and my guys linked up in a park by our old Highschool Brooklyn Community Arts & Media High School (BCAM) instead of the school park. The park we linked up at was called Pratt Playground located down the block from Bcam where we usually play basketball at. Instead of just boxing for fun, we participated in the youtube challenge that I mentioned previously called gloves up, Guns down, and posted it on my up and rising youtube channel named Big360s that I started over quarantine during the covid 19th pandemic while everyone was at home all day watching youtube. But we put a twist to our youtube video. We did it in a park on the basketball court, one-minute rounds, matched up all the guys in the park, and made a rule that you can’t leave out the circle on the basketball court if you do an automatic reset but continue at the same time left on the timer. We had multiple cameramen recording and I had everyone email or airdrop me the videos. Later that night I got on my iMac and edited all the video clips together and made a thumbnail for the video. It took a Lil time to edit but I dropped it on November 6, 2020, and it premiered at noon on my youtube channel Big360s titled PUT THE GLOVES ON AND PUT THE GUNS DOWN PUBLIC BOXING

  8. Arnold Ludd

  9. Caleb Sejour

    Coming to America knowing no English was very challenging when I was in middle school. It was a new environment I had to adapt to. I had a teacher who experienced the same challenging situation as me. Her name, Ms. Brizzard, She would have me write in my native language and she would help me translate. She thought me to express my feelings through writing, she thought me patience, and till now her technique still inspires me.

  10. Sharif

    My best learning experience would most likely be somewhere in my high school around 2018. It would be when I ironically actually felt like a normal student who could learn about the subjects provided without much stress or worry. Compared to middle school where I always felt like I wasn’t learning anything at all, doesn’t help the peers I was around were causing me problems. So when I got to Whsad (Williamsburg High School for Architecture and Design) I felt much better, very helpful teachers and topics actually on a high school level.

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