Tag Archives: news

Assignment 2B

Corporate interest affects the information we receive because they are never going to tell us the truth neither the whole truth on a news story. The benefit of their company is their priority and if that means lying to us then that is what they will do. If large corporations such as the news make their stories uninteresting they will begin to loose views therefore loosing profit. There goal is to manipulate viewers via the media which includes them saying whatever reaches their goal. Companies such as Comcast, news corporation, the Walt Disney company etc… pay these large company’s to put them in favor and to persuade any viewer of what they want them to think its all about commercialism. One dependent news site I found was therealnews.com the title of the news is deadly wildfires to grow more intense,burn longer due to global warming. In this article not only do they tell you about the fire happening in San Bernardino and that it killed 8 people and destroyed hundreds of homes, they talk about how wildfires have changed throughout the years on the level of extremity. Then they jump into climate change and statistics of how the climate has changed since 1970 and due to this in August and September its tinder-dry causing more fires to occur. Then they talk about how the government is allowing people to buy/build homes in harmful areas where fires are more prone to be caused. This is very different from mainstream news stories such as univision, CNN, New 10 which just pass a 30 second clip of a burning forest and tell us the location and that’s it. I’ve seen it on the news and then they focus more on other things like the elections and how new research shows that something you eat can cure many diseases. This is pure propaganda.

Main stream media/vs/independent news

Corporate interests have a major influence on our lives. We may not realize this, however a majority of the information or “news” that we receive on a daily basisis controlled by big corporate news outlets. Some major names include CBS, Fox5, CNN etc. Most people get their news from watching these news channels, and are given information in a way that may be tweaked or mis conceived in a way to make people think a certain way. For example. Fox 5 is highly criticized for portraying African Americans in a bad light, or any person of color in a bad view. If a young black make commits a crime Fox 5 calls it violence, if an Arab or Indian male commits a crime its automatically an act of terrorism. But, if a white male has committed the same if not worse crime he is troubled or comes from a troubled up brining. This is unfair to the public and not ethical in my opinion.

There is an article posted on an independent news site (naturalnews.com). The article is titled, The 13 most evil U.S. government experiments on humans. I chose this particular article because I know that the government has an enormous control over what gets sent out into the news and what people can and should not hear about. I know that a big corporate outlet like CNN would not publish an article about the many ways the government has tortured humans. CNN would probably publish an article on why the government chooses to go about torture and how torture can prevent further attacks on the USA. But, CNN would not punish an in depth article on the horrors of government torture on people. I have actually googled CNN and government torture article, and the second thing that pops up is an article of Donald Trump explaining why torture may have prevented attacks on Brussels. (http://www.cnn.com/2016/03/22/politics/donald-trump-torture-brussels-abdeslam/)