Tag Archives: FOIA

Assignment 7B

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) states that any person has the right to request an access to federal agencies records or information. Each federal government agency is required under the Freedom of Information Act to disclose records requested in writing by any person. This is beneficial to citizen because it requires agencies to inform citizens on what is going on, also to make available for public inspection, opinion and statement of policy. It is necessary for government information to be available to the public; an unclassified document should not remain secret since people have the right to access the information in order to improve the culture of transparency. Citizens request records to learn more about their government and government officials. Citizens are concerned about transparency in the government.

Assignment 7B

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is the law that allows American citizens to be informed of actions conducted by the government. This allows people to access records from federal agencies unless it it falls under some exemption. The FOIA is is overseen by the Department of Justice and the president.

The FOIA is an incredibly important and essential part of our society and government. Being able to know what is going on within government and federal agencies should be standard. It is a method in which the government can stay trustworthy to the public and the public do not have to be fearful or wary of any suspicious activity. Sure, not everything being done by the government is being revealed but, what the FOIA does allow is better than nothing at all.

Assignment 7B

The Freedom of Information Act or the FOIA was developed and effect since 1966, What the FOIA does is it provides the public the right to request access to records from any federal agency.  It provides the public with information about their government. Citizens, foreign nationals, as well as university students have access to request declassified documents, records, court papers, etc.

The American agency that Administers the work proposed in the FOIA are the Archives. The Archives are responsible to collect and publish declassified documents obtained through the FOIA. The Archive staff track U.S Governemnt agencies and federal records for documents that have never been released before to the public.

The FOIA is beneficial to the public some what. The public are able to benefit through access of documents and information that sometimes are hidden or kept away from the public eye. I say some what because the FOIA is not entirely out there with no limitations.  The FOIA has exemptions such as, protecting personal privacy, national security, law enforcement and others. It may just be my opinion, but I strongly argue that there is so much out there that the government does not want the public to know, and the information that are free to us is just sugarcoated to protect the government.

Assignment #7B

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) law allows federal records to be disclosed. These records could either have never been released before or, they could help better see decision made by the U.S. government. The American agency that administers the work proposed in FOIA is the Archive. The Archive hold a wide range of topic dealing with the national security, foreign intelligence, and economic policies of the Untied States. The Archive does not seek U.S. government funding, which allows them to not be influenced by the government. The FOIA does benefit  citizen because it helps and allows the citizens to know the truth. Helping citizens to better understand and be well informed on topics that deal with their government. Information on the government is important, which is why the Archive is extending it’s research to countries outside of the U.S. With the information the Archive has provided, citizens can view the history of their government. Knowing the history helps us see why certain actions were taken and will better inform us of future ones.

Assignment #7B Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a law that gives you the right to access information from the federal government. It is often described as the law that helps keep citizens updated with information about the government and what is going on with the government. It is also described as the law that keeps citizens in the know about their government.It contains declassified documents, presidential paper collections, congressional records, and court testimony. Since 1967, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) has provided the public the right to request access to records from any federal agency. Federal agencies are required to disclose any information requested under the FOIA unless it falls under one of nine exemptions which protect interests such as personal privacy, national security, and law enforcement.

The FOIA also requires agencies to proactively post online certain categories of information, including frequently requested records. As Congress, the President, and the Supreme Court have all recognized, the FOIA is a vital part of our democracy.

The American agency which administers the work in the FOIA is a group referred to as the Archive.The Archive  serves as a repository of government records on a wide range of topics pertaining to the national security, foreign, intelligence, and economic policies of the United States.Archive staff members systematically track U.S. government agencies and federal records repositories for documents that either have never been released before, or that help to shed light on the decision-making process of the U.S. government and provide the historical context underlying those decisions. The Office of Information Policy of the  U.S. Department of Justice also administers the work proposed in the FOIA. The Department of State also has access to department records.

President Obama and the Department of Justice have directed agencies to apply a presumption of openness in responding to FOIA requests. The Department of Justice, in its 2009 FOIA Guidelines, emphasized that the President has called on agencies to work in a spirit of cooperation with FOIA requesters. The Office of Information Policy at the Department of Justice oversees agency compliance with these directives and encourages all agencies to fully comply with both the letter and the spirit of the FOIA.

I believe that the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) does benefit citizens because it allows people to be aware of what’s going on in the government. It keeps citizens updated on what is going on in the world. I also believe that the FOIA does benefit citizens because it removes a lot of mystery behind the scenes and allows us, as citizens, to make the best all-around decision when it comes down to it. People should be informed about everything that is happening around the world. People should be able to make the right decisions and should be able to feel safe.

Assignment #7B

The Freedom of Information Act allows people to access information and records  from federal government agencies unless the information has been subjected to certain disclosures.  Congress passed the Freedom of Information Act and the Office of Information Policy of the  U.S. Department of Justice administers the work proposed in the FOIA.  I think the Freedom of Information Act does benefit citizens because it allows people to put forth claims about certain government agencies.  However, I still feel the government can do what it wants because people are just not as powerful as the government. The government has the ability to determine what they want to do with the FOIA requests.  The Archive website says it can take a month or even years for people to hear back from federal agencies once they’ve put in certain claims.  While I have reservations about the efficiency of the FOIA requests, I do think this act has a place in American society and can be beneficial.

Assignment 7B

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is a law that gives you the right to access information from the federal government. The American agency that administers the work proposed in FOIA is an independent non-governmental research institute and a library located at The George Washington University also called the Archive. They also collect information through other laws too like the freedom of information act and more. Yes this act definitely benefits citizens in many ways.  For example it provides us with documents that have not been released. This can help us make decisions for the U.S and also help us keep track of historical records. It keeps us up to date with current events like the Cuban missile crisis etc. Also we get to know about others countries outside the U.S and know what their plans for the U.S are.