Author Archives: erdem

Assignment 10B

The future is the place we will experience whatever is left of our lives, so we offer a substantial measure of the present to making preparations for it. Mental research has given bits of knowledge into such as future considering, which can take a few structures. Keeping up deferred goals to perform particular activities later on, foreseeing future occasions as an approach to get ready for believable consequences, and thinking the future to empower us to settle on better long time conclusions. The technology and imagination of the future is growing every single day. However, my example of an imagined future in pop culture would be Sylvester Stallone because his movie series are one of the most popular action stars in cinematic history, Oscar nominee Sylvester Stallone is best known for portraying boxer Rocky Balboa and Vietnam War veteran John Rambo.


Assignment 9B

Vaidhyanathan argues that “we trust google with our personal info and preferences and without access to knowledge because we  trust technology that satisfies our prejudices” I think, it is true because when it comes on an information or any basic idea to our mind we google that and find out the answer. Google is very popular searching engine that people believe. Google probably knows more about anything than anyone so people might believe whatever Google says. Therefore, Google is the only search engine that we use in these days. I trust google because Google is the only search engine finds out my answers. However, people do not trust Google as a looking up personal information because when people type their first and last name it comes out so many different things and they are not related to them. Overall I prefer to use still Google because it is faster and easier than any search engines.


Assignment 8B

Assignment 8B

In the article “Who’s in Charge here? Authority, Authoritativeness, and the Undergraduate Researcher”, Meszaros describes different factors involving authority between teachers, librarians, and  students.  One of the lady speaks of is what a popular of students think of their faculty members within their school. Administrative authority is defined as “one has by virtue of occupying a position. One’s moral behavior determines one’s occupancy. When students pay attention to their professors, it is largely because they are afraid for their grades and they want to get a nice grade. Students don’t listen to their professors because of their skill. At the end of the day the authority is the one who has reasoning abilities that help you as a student feel self-confident and help you succeed. It does not matter whether it is a professor or a librarian.

Assignment 4B

Classification is important for people because it is the basic way to organize information. It provides a method for sorting living things into groups based on common things. It is easier to find an item because the unorganized categories can be harmful to find it right away. However, if it classified by the alphabetic way or the common interest way, it would be more effective and easier. People look for similarities and differences to help them sort or classify things. As new technologies are developed that allow us to see more similarities or differences, the classifications could change. Dye explains that classification system like tag people in a same way and connect to people each other in online community. People can interact each other in their same interests. Therefore, classification can be useful. Classification has been always useful and an integral way to manage information for over hundreds years. If people use their own style like give tag each same item, it would be faster and easier than they think.

Assignment 3B

I think people do have the right to be forgotten because if someone doesn’t want to give or share information about their personalities then they have the right to request to taken off information. So 1st amendment “free speech”, people have the “right to be forgotten’’ if the information is very personal and still exist on some websites, unfortunately your information still on those websites.

Digital identity is a collection of the each person information. Basically, if people use Facebook, Twitter, or some personal websites, these websites can save people basic information and may be tracked each time. There is no way to control these websites because when people sign up those websites, in their agreement letter it actually stands there and we accept it before reading through. Therefore, nobody can control it. In addition to that, people have to be very careful what they share or what they post because it may cause something in the future.

I am hundred percent sure the government controls everyone’s digital identity because in these days everybody share their ideas through their social media accounts and the government track each chosen words. If people post those words on their accounts they might get tracked by the government. Therefore, they basically monitor our lives.


Assignment 2w

Assignment 2W Article Questions

Questions for What the “Right to be Forgotten” Means for Privacy in a Digital Age?

  • Which privacy type is better for America?
  • Why United States focused on privacy rules?
  • What are the differences between Europe and America privacy policy?

Questions for Learning From Gawker’s Attempt to Erase the Past?

  • Do you think is it really easy to erase the past with one click?
  • Why people need to erase their past from Google?
  • How long does it take to take the link down for human rights to privacy in the world?





Assignment 2B

The internet and online services like Facebook and Twitter have changed the way people communicate. Mainstream media outlets are found on television, radio and newspapers. They include TV channels networks. Therefore, their media sources are generally easy to find. The article I found as an example was “What’s the Number 1 Threat to Security? No One Is Asking Trump or Clinton?” by the article is about the very first threat was the nuclear weapons threat. The nuclear weapons threat was in the headlines all summer, and they really do not want to answer the question because it is a reality.

Assignment 1B

Both Jabr and Badke explain the differences between digital books and printed books. In “ The Reading Brain in the Digital Age: The Science of Paper versus Screens” by Ferris Jabr, he explains his ideas and the progress of the digital books. In these days, young generation finds ebook is much easier than reading through the printed books. In addition, there are many options to read ebook through Iphones, ipads, kindles, nooks etc. It is easier to read because people are watching text in the same manner as watching an onscreen video, it is refreshed and faster than people’s eyes can detect. The brain may catch the missing letter easier. On the other hand, I can’t read it ebook and something else because I need to feel it physically but I can read only news online. The reason is I feel more focused when I touch to the book. In conclusion, Jabr is trying to show us how technology has grown, and affect us.

Summary of From papyrus to pixels; The future of the book

In the article “From Papyrus to pixels; the future of the book”, The Economist explains that the impacts of new technology on the new production of books and the industry. However, it is positive. It is very easy to download and read it through the electronic platform like kindle, iPad. The purpose of e-book, it can be downloaded, uploaded, copied, pasted as easy as. There are some advantages of e-book. First of all, it is always new. It cannot be destroyed. Nevertheless, a lot of people are still choosing to buy regular books, because it feels that reading print is much better than to reading through the screen. In conclusion, in the future, the technology will affect our lives but it will not destroy printed books.