Tag Archives: e-book

Summary of “From papyrus to pixels; the future of the book”

In the article “From papyrus to pixels; the future of the book”, the Economist gives input on how books have changed to electronic assets readers can now use. The essay suggests a vibrant future for the book. Now it is easy to access books online whether it is on your e-book or kindle, people don’t really need to buy a physical copy. People don’t have to carry their heavy books with them when they could just get access to the book on their iPads. Technology has definitely has advanced throughout the times. The purpose of e-book, it can be downloaded, uploaded, copied, pasted, etc. The Economist states, “Books like de officiis have not merely weathered history; they have helped shape it. The ability they offer to preserve, transmit and develop ideas was taken to another level by Gutenberg and his colleagues”. The digital transition may change the way books are written, sold, and read more than any development in their history,and that will not be everyone’s advantage. In conclusion, just because most people prefer digital over print, does not mean that people will stop buying printed books. No matter how technology progresses, printed books will still be used and continue to stay relevant. I believe that staying too long on your Ipads wouldn’t be good for your eye sight and digital people tend to read slower and are not able to retain what they read. You can flip the pages faster in printed books , while in digital books you have to scroll up and down and you aren’t able to stay focus.

From Papyrus to Pixels Summary

In the article “From Papyrus to Pixels” The Economist tackles a topic that readers like myself face in everyday life. That is the problem of the e-reader and how it has changed how we choose to read. As technology advances there are new ways to access information. The Economist speaks about the pros and cons in using an e-reader or other electronic reading devices versus reading words in an actual book. It was mentioned how students retain more information when reading a book and how it puts less strain on the reader themselves. Although the author’s research has been in favor of the book, there is still a possibility that they may become obsolete due to the fact that the information can be easily accessed electronically. Only time will tell how we choose to access our information in the future.

Summary of From papyrus to pixels; The future of the book

In the article ā€œFrom Papyrus to pixels; the future of the bookā€, The Economist explains that the impacts of new technology on the new production of books and the industry. However, it is positive. It is very easy to download and read it through the electronic platform like kindle, iPad. The purpose of e-book, it can be downloaded, uploaded, copied, pasted as easy as. There are some advantages of e-book. First of all, it is always new. It cannot be destroyed. Nevertheless, a lot of people are still choosing to buy regular books, because it feels that reading print is much better than to reading through the screen. In conclusion, in the future, the technology will affect our lives but it will not destroy printed books.