Monthly Archives: October 2016

Assignment 4B

If it wasn’t for classification the world would be a chaotic mess. Classification is very important to us, so important that it naturally occurs in the world. Classification makes us who we are and makes the world a better place to understand. The exact definition of classification is “the action or process of classifying something according to shared qualities or characteristics.” yet other people have different definitions and examples of different kinds of classifications as well. According to Badke classification can be seen in search engines. A bad example of classification he talks about is google. he says it is nothing more than a search engine. Google itself doesn’t understand what you type it just matches the words you type to any random searches on the internet. A good example of classification is the library databases because they use controlled vocabularies and key word searches to understand what you want to find. This is because everything in the library including their search engines are categorized by genre, type , and a specific number.

Dye talks about using two types of classification systems in the database world as well. He talks about taxonomy and folksonomy, He says they both might work for search engines but not really and this is why librarians continue to use the Dewey decimal system. Taxonomy is the branch of science concerned with classification, especially of organisms; systematics. Yet one of the negative things about using this for database is that it is a top-down system because it rely s heavily on centralized control of the structure and vocabulary. Folksonomy is a user-generated system of classifying and organizing online content into different categories by the use of metadata such as electronic tags. According to dye this is a better searching engine because individuals have their own tags and they can make sense out of their own words and get related topics to their tags.

Wright talks about natural taxonomy in which he observed in the Peruvian rain forest. But what was more impressing was that taxonomy classification is much more natural to us then we thought. Such is seen in the tribal cultures around the world. Classification in indigenous people create high classification system very similar to how plants and animal “families” divide. Wright says that classification is in out genetics. and without thinking we use it everyday.

Overall I think classification is natural in human behavior and no data base can accomplish it like animals, plants, and humans do but we can try to use certain classification systems to try to make searching for information much easier.

Assignment 4B

Classification is a way in which we can associate different topics or materials in order to make our lives easier. Just look at the classification system in Biology, without it trying to comprehend and search for a certain species would be downright impossible. There are so many things we have to keep track of that simply would not be possible without a system in place that allows for simple access or navigation.

Of course, the act of classification can be rather tricky. There are so many things to keep track of and so many similar products that putting each into their own category is not a simple task. This why we need things like metadata or having people dedicated to solely working with classification. Imagine if keywords did not exist when trying to search for something online, you could probably find a lot of information but how much of it would actually be relevant to what you are specifically searching for?

Think of how we look at other people, we classify them by gender, by race, by residency, by physical features, by personality traits. Classification is important because it is something basic and ingrained into us, it makes our life simpler and we do it with everything.

Assignment 4B

Classification is important for people because it is the basic way to organize information. It provides a method for sorting living things into groups based on common things. It is easier to find an item because the unorganized categories can be harmful to find it right away. However, if it classified by the alphabetic way or the common interest way, it would be more effective and easier. People look for similarities and differences to help them sort or classify things. As new technologies are developed that allow us to see more similarities or differences, the classifications could change. Dye explains that classification system like tag people in a same way and connect to people each other in online community. People can interact each other in their same interests. Therefore, classification can be useful. Classification has been always useful and an integral way to manage information for over hundreds years. If people use their own style like give tag each same item, it would be faster and easier than they think.

Assignment 4B: Classification

Classification is when any idea or words are organized into categories based on their similar characteristics and traits. Classification is the process in which objects are put into specific groups with relation to other in order to be able to  retrieve information much faster. The process of classifying is important because it helps narrow the broad search of an information or document.Classification is also important because it enables us to retrieve information in an easier way. There is a vast amount of material found on the internet, classification helps by allowing us to find the material we are looking for with just a few keywords.

Each content has its unique important characteristics and is often classified according to its difference in perspective. According to William Badke, “Any database is only as useful as its retrieval capability” (73). Therefore, the usefulness of data is determined by the choice of organization and labeling system used. Metadata, as defined by Rosenfeld, Morville, and Arango, is the data providing information about one or more aspects of the data and are the tags used to describe documents, pages, images, software, video and audio files.

Badke states that this metadata model comes in the form of a “data record”,  a short description of the data (75). This information is displayed in keywords and made available through search engine searches. According to Jessica Dye, the author of the Folksonomy: A Game of High-tech (and High-stakes) Tag, it is “the spectrum of tags that folksonomy generates can be a fascinating indicator of not just how people individually interpret content, but also how that content evolves over time” (2). Yet the important point is that classification makes it easier to obtain access to contents of data and information.According to William Badke, “The keyword has become the main tool of research in today’s electronic database environment.”

Jessica Dye states that, “A vast amount of digital data goes online every day. When people tag that data, they aren’t just creating more data—they’re creating metadata, which is used by search engines to interpret the content to which it’s attached.” When one goes on the world wide web and searches for something specific one can simply write a short phrase or even a single world and the result will be many different items that fall under that category.In Jessica Dye’s article about folksonomy, she discusses how it is becoming commonplace for users of the internet to tag different sources of digital information so they can find the same information later on. People are able to find whatever they are interested easier by creating tags.

According to Alex Wright classification allows us to exercise our cognitive capabilities. When exercising cognitive capabilities one is able to distinguish different things from each other and therefore able to retain this information longer.Wright states that classification comes from two basic cognitive capabilities: binary discrimination and liberalization.Wright goes into how the taxonomy we still use to classify species  is the Linnaean taxonomy which is: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and species. As well how many different cultures use certain similar taxonomies and references how organisms in genus level are named .I believe that classification is absolutely necessary in providing order to our lives. Classification helps us put things in order and put things by categories based on their similar characteristics.

Assignment 4B

Classification is important because it is not only a way to organize information, but it is a way to narrow down more complex and broad information.  Classification helps in gathering the most specific and relevant information that is being sought.  There are many topics that fall underneath a general topic and classification makes it simpler for people to access something specific more easily.  In Jessica Dye’s article about folksonomy, she discusses how it is becoming commonplace for users of the internet to tag different sources of digital information so they can find the same information later on. Classification can shape a user’s experience online because the things they are interested in will be at their fingertips, especially if they want to revisit something of interest.  With classification, they can get straight to the source.  Dye suggests that classification systems like tagging helps connect people in online communities because people get to see what each other are exploring.    Classification can be used for research.  Badke discusses how research entails many steps such as coming up with a viable topic and conducting a thesis statement.  Classification becomes important here because in order to come up with a topic when researching, one has to take a broad topic and come up with a specific question from that topic that can be answered.  Classification has always been an integral way to manage information as Wright reiterates when he says humans have been sharing information, collecting it, and organizing it for over 100,000 years and coming up with tools along the way to contain that information in creative systems.

Assignment #4B: Classification

Although classification refers sometimes to categorization, the term carries more complex forms in terms of research. While it seems simple to search online and find relevant results on what we are searching for, a lot of details go into interpreting or finding those results. As suggested in the book and the article, when we search, we search different ways depending on the search engines we use, sometimes we get more results than we need, sometimes we get irrelevant results or sometimes we do not get any results, as underlines Badke in the book, “-search is a messy thing, often leaving us with far more results that we don’t need than the few we do”. Noting that all the information from the search is already classified in databases, this classification can be proper to specific search engines. However, the classification used in the databases is important because it determines the efficiency of the results we get and their organization, for instance, as recommends Badke, adding metadata helps categorize data, narrow and specify our results, which results in a much-sophisticated retrieval capability. He states that “any database is only as useful as its retrieval capability”. The article “Folksonomy: a game of high-tech (and high-stakes) tag” and Badke both highlight the difference between a classified information where someone decides the different classifications, which results in a better search (controlled vocabularies); and a more flexible way of organizing the information using tags where everyone can create their own classification. In the later one, there is no organization, for example in Flickr, people use different tag names for the same category of photos.

Assignment 2W


  1. Before this article was posted, why was it not properly reviewed and discarded if it is considered trash “in terms of journalism ethics?”
  2. Does unpublishing the story prevent the publishing company executive from suing Gawker?
  3. This article explains a lot about journalistic credibility, but was the story untrue or just in bad taste?


  1. Does the “right to be forgotten” apply only to individuals or does it also include corporations?
  2. Is the “right to be forgotten” not applicable to records such as criminal offenses? Or can that information also be deleted if the person who was charged had enough money to be able to delete the information?
  3. Since there is clear data and information about the lack of actual privacy on the internet in the US and countries associated with the US, why is the general populace still kept in the dark about this information?

Assignment 3B

I think that in certain situations people should have the right to be forgotten. For example someone who had something bad posted of them online should not pay the consequences for one wrong action later in life. Like get rejected from job opportunities because the company finds something of them on the internet or get into relationship problems. Yet a criminals actions online like an identity stealer should pay the consequences. I don’t think our first amendment clashes with the right to be forgotten because there is a difference between free speech and the right to know every ones information. The first amendment protects freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly and petition. It does not mention the freedom to allow one person to post about another online or keep unwanted information on the internet. By digital identity we mean information on an entity (person, organisation, application, or device) used by a computer system to represent an external agent. Obviously big companies control digital identities because they have money. They can get information on people to benefit their companies and make products in the consumers most interest. Websites also control digital identity because they are the ones that track the internet users and make a profile of them in order to recommend the websites.

Assignment #3B

I think every people has a right to be forgotten, if that’s what they truly want. I don’t believe the right to be forgotten and freedom of speech clash. Being forgotten can be considered a form of free speech. Being free speech is a form of expression. Digital identity to me means, every piece of information whether social media pages, articles, government information anything accessible by the internet shows a basic understanding of who you are as an individual. It gives a face to the name, it expresses you ideas, your address, connects to others and so much more that you yourself have put in world view. I think you, yourself are an aspect to what are seen on the web so you have some control. As to the places and site you give your information to. The other aspect is the giver they also control, parts of your life a that are accessible and can pull information from all over to make your identity.