Minnesota’s High Court Rules Encouraging Suicide Isn’t A crime.


When I say the headline I said to myself “this looks good.” After I read the article I said to myself “this is insane”. In my opinion encouraging someone to commit suicide is just as criminal as assisting the actual act. especially when is to the amusement of the encourager. As human service professionals we may encounter individuals in our profession who are vulnerable, depressed, and at the stage in their life where they feel suicide is their last option. Should we give up on them advise them to “go for it”. This decision by the high courts is sending the wrong message to the cyber bullies and the school bullies as well. This is just crazy. HUS 3609 what do you think?

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One Response to Minnesota’s High Court Rules Encouraging Suicide Isn’t A crime.

  1. Unfortunately we live in a world where the law is the law and we must abide by it. In Minnesota the law does not see suicide as a crime, therefore; charging this individual, as what we would feel is justifiable, becomes difficult. As a human service worker advocating to change the law so this does not happen again would be one of my first steps. As i read this article, I could not help wondering if this is a perfect example of the unconscious mind (ucs) at work here. The total manipulation of these vulnerable individuals for his (aka the nurse) personal satisfaction shows that he wasn’t thinking of the lives that was ending. He should be seen by a psychologist to determine when and why has he chosen to become a predator, why is suicide exciting for him, but mainly is he a psychopath in the making, and then assist this individual accordingly.

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