Monthly Archives: April 2013

Suspects Said to Have Had ‘Party’ Plans

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what drives parents to kill their own flesh and blood, do these parents have a consicous or a heart what could make them kill innocent children what happen to love thy children.

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why do grown people cause harm to an innocent human being what did the child to do so bad to have caused the man to harm him so bad.

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see why are young children killing each other without a care in the world?

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itsn’t it cruel to allow a person to go thru so much pain and suffering after the failure of the execution not working shouldn’t they just leave them to die a natrual death seeing that the execution failed.

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fact or fiction?

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when teenagers commit a crime they can’t do the time when they were commit the crime they thought they were mister tough guy now he has to do the time he can’t handle it what is going on with our … Continue reading

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what do teens murder is it because of peer pressure wanting to fit in could it be lack of parental gudienceor could it be because they are in a gang what reason do teens have to kill.

Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a comment–abc-news-topstories.html why would these brothers from russia want to blow up boston what motive do they have?

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Tamerlan Tsarnaev Dead: Boston Marathon Bombing Suspect One Dies In Shootout (LIVE UPDATES)

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