police involoved shooting kills teenager


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4 Responses to police involoved shooting kills teenager

  1. Deloris says:

    when will this stop too much teenagers are losing their lives through misidentification of weapons. These cops need to be able to recognized a weapon real or fake before opening fire on anyone. If you see a gun on someone the best thing to ask them is to drop their weapon, then if they don’t they you shoot them in a way to retrieve the weapon not to kill. This is ridicules now there need to be some kind of punishment for taking these innocent lives.

    • vanessa.s says:

      I agree with Deloris but at the same time i believe that the parent should of being more careful and responsible about her child because they say he had a criminal record and also his brother was recently murder so the parent should of kept a closer eye on the child i’m i saying he deserved it no but we as black mothers need to keep our black male children close to us as possible because the cop will not be prosecuted and they will find it as justified shooting even though the child did nothing but be black, male, and have a criminal record. we may not know this but these cops are looking for any excuse to shoot a black male without course or reason.

  2. Account Deleted says:

    I agree with both you guys. However, there is still some confusion on whether or not he was actually armed. If i’m not mistaken I think his family thinks he wasnt, but the police say he was, and they did find a gun at the scene. I believe if he did really point a gun at the cops then the cops had the right to protect themselves, and unfortunately, having to protect yourself can sometimes result in the death of an individual. However, if he didn’t point a gun at them then these cops need to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. It’s a really tragic situation, because no matter what the reason for the shooting was there is still a young boy dead, and a family in mourning.

  3. Police shootings seem to happening way too often. I am also still confused as to whether or not he actually did have a gun. I do believe that the situation was not handled carefully. The issue with many police officers is that they let their power get the best of them and they act in ways that may not be ethical or legal. I have heard too many stories about police officers shooting teens, getting into physical fights with others, and abusing their power. However, I do not want to say that the police were wrong for shooting this boy because I feel that I do not have enough facts.

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