Class Info

  • Meeting ID: 984 6938 7899
  • Passcode: 123123

To-Do Before Class

  • Module 1 Drawing Assignment
    • Finish floor plan
    • Have section fully blocked out and ready to review with Professor Christo by next class – Friday, 10/2


Module 1 Drawing Assignment – Plan, Section, & Elevation


  • Review progress on the plans & sections
  • Learn how to use the plan and section to set up our elevation drawings


  • Review plan& section drawings
  • Elevation demonstration
  • Work on drawings

To-Do After Class

  • Module 1 Drawing Assignment 
    • Finish floor plan & section
    • Have elevation fully blocked out and ready to review with Professor Christo by next class – Friday, 10/9
  • Read Ching BCI on Materials + Properties 12.04-12.14
    • Submit scanned + formatted Reading Notes+ Sketches
    • Due Friday, 10/9 by 12:00pm
    • Upload to Dropbox here

Class Recording

Here’s the link to today’s in-class elevation demonstration: