Professor Christo | OL69 | Fall, 2020

Discussion: Introductions

Please add a comment to this post introducing yourself to the class. You could include your academic interests, why you chose your major, what you enjoy reading, listening to, watching, and doing in your spare time, or anything else you want to share (include your pronouns, if you wish).

Before next class, please add your introduction and read the comments.

Get to know your classmates! Reply to one of your classmates’ comments. Do you have something in common? Did you learn something? Be kind.


  1. Aysoltan Myradova

    Hi everyone, My name is Aysoltan, I’m 23 and I’m from Central Asia, Turkmenistan. I came here when I was 18 with the dream of becoming an architect because I love sketching and drawing. Whenever I see a beautiful work of art, especially buildings I get very excited and start thinking about every detail. This is my second semester at City Tech and I’m very excited to share it with you guys.

  2. Jairo Barros

    Hi, My name is Jairo Barros, I am from brazil originally and have been living and appreciating NYC arch for the past 13 years. I love architecture and structures, just to look at, like art. Art is the essence for me and craft is how I appreciate it. Lots of interestes in building custom furniture as well as building in NYC skyline. Thats my utmost goal. I am here to make friends and to acquire skills to add to my portfolio. Let me know if I can help anyone in any way.

    • Marina Rodrigues

      Hi Jairo, I’m also from Brazil 🙂

      • jairo a Barros

        Hi Marina, lets chat next class. Good to have you here.

  3. ArchAlex

    Hello everyone, my names Alex. Born and raised in Queens. Got into architecture after being a CAD drafter for an electrical company for a bit less than a year. I eventually decided I should get a degree in something pertaining to this type of field since I enjoyed it and wanted to make it into a career. This is my second semester(last semester being my first). I previously had around 80 credits into computer engineering but I decided taking this path would make me happier.

  4. Vanessa Gallego

    Hi everyone, my name is Vanessa Gallego, I’m 19 and i was born and raised in Queens, New York. I started like interior design by seeing tv shows and also sketching at the age of 13.Then when i graduated i went to a trade high school where i majored in Architecture throughout the four years i was there.And now im in my second year of college.My dream is to get my masters and licensing and hopefully one day own a firm.

  5. Arsalan Ali Jan

    Hey, my name is Arsalan. I was born and raised in Brooklyn but moved to Long Island with my Pakistani-born parents. I was interested in Architect when I was learning other different cultures including my culture and ancestors I saw many beautiful mosques, palaces, and buildings from Mughal, Islamic, Turkish, and Persian architecture as well as Renaissance, Gothic, Baroque, and Medieval from England, Spain, Italy, and France. Even Indian, Japanese, and Chinese architecture is interesting. These different cultures made me very interested in Architect and I’m a talented artist. One horrible event in Peshawar, Pakistan in 2016 where innocent men, women, and children were perish from their life stolen by the bad people. This made me sad to see how dark the world is becoming especially to my country which I have a lot pride as Pakistani. This made me wanting to become a Humanitarian Architect which I love to drawing as well as seeing beautiful building that I could create with my name and even help people who are poor and unfortunate such as the desires of homes, hospitals, schools, and many more. My goal is to get architect license and stay in NY for experience than help my country first and help other poor countries in the future. I hope I reach my goal and have my name recognized in the future even inspire more people to do good deeds and making my country proud.

    My hobbies is studying, learning history, countries, cultures, religion, and science, drawing, playing guitar, video games, watching animes, sports (cricket, football (soccer), field hockey, baseball, and basketball. I’m trying to make comic for Webtoons and Tapas. The title will is Once Upon a Time in Karachi and still in process.

    Check out my Instagram for my artwork – arsalanalijan10

  6. Carlos Cholula

    Hi everyone my name is Carlos born in Brooklyn. I’m 23 and a certified Pharmacy Technian. I chose to do Architecture because I love the idea of creating a design of my own and have it built somewhere in the world would be a major accomplishment. I enjoy drawing and doing designs. I have designed all of my furniture on my own. I always like to design new ideas that I have and hopefully one day I will design my own home. I’m here to help if anyone needs help and here to make new friends.

    • jairo a Barros

      hey hey, we should collaborate on some furniture design, for fun….

  7. Marina Rodrigues

    Hello everyone,
    My name is Marina and Im from Brazil. It has been 6 years that I live in NYC. Im a transfer student from Civil Engineering in Brazil (3.5 years), and I decided to transfer to architecture & technology; since I love art, building and Im a technology lover.

  8. Gevanie Sampat

    Hi guys, my name is Gevanie Sampat I am 23 years old. I was born and raised in Queens, NY. I only recently got into Architecture when I decided that I wanted to try something different. I have always been into Engineering and Construction but I decided to do Architecture because I have always had a love for drawing and the arts. I have a dream that one day I will be able to design and build my own house.

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