COMD1167 Type & Media, Fall2016

A foundation course in typography

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Class 6 – InDesign: MultiPage Documents and Master Pages

During Monday’s class we went through a couple to things that will be helpful for upcoming assignments.

  • Adding fonts using the Font Book app on the Mac
  • Where to get quality free fonts – using Font Squirrel
  • The process of creating a multi-page document and using master pages. If you missed the class or need a refresher, use the following videos for help:

How to Format Master Pages


How to Override Master Page Items


Vocabulary Terms:

  • master pages – when you have a multipage document, a master page is a non printing page used in InDesign that serves as a template for the rest of the pages. Master pages can contain text and graphic elements, such as photos, headers, footers or page numbers, etc.
  • running head – sits outside the text area of the grid; these may be the title or chapter name of a book that appear on each page in the exact same location.

Homework Due Wednesday 9/21

  • Type Book – Complete the 5 Families of Type exercise. You can download the instructions here.
  • Prepare for Quiz #1 – Monday, 9/26

Class 5 – The Grid System and Why We Use It

Here’s a brief recap from  Wednesday’s class. One of the main things we covered was how to work with the grid system.

A grid is a non-printing system of horizontal and vertical lines which help the designer align the elements of the layout. This system of alignment helps to create a more organized layout. In multiple page documents, the grid assists in the consistent placement of design elements. Think of the grid as the skeleton of the layout.

Vocabulary used:

  • text page – the area on a page, within the margins, where text appears.
  • margin – the area of the page around the text area.
  • folios – the page number. In most instances this is at the bottom of the page below or outside the text area.
  • header – the area at the top of the page, outside the text area. A running header is a header that is repeated across many pages
  • footer – the area at the bottom of the page, outside the text area. A running footer is a footer that is repeated across many pages.
  • gutter – the gutter separates the columns and rows from each other. It is also the area where two facing pages meet.
  • active corner – the upper left corner of any field in a grid system. This is where the top of the text is aligned.
  • passive corner – the bottom right corner of any field in a grid.

Review pages 177-221 of our textbook for full details.

In InDesign we learned to set up columns for a grid, how to use a template, and how to save a file as a PDF. We did this as we were introduced to the Type Book project.

Homework Due Monday, 9/19

Class 4 – Introduction to Adobe InDesign CC

During class we reviewed letterspacing/tracking and kerning. We also began to explore the working environment of Adobe InDesign.

Areas covered:

  • Creating a new document
  • The InDesign workspace
  • Working with text boxes, fonts, point sizes, leading alignment
  • Leading, measurements, kerning

We also discussed increments of measurements:

  • type is measured in points (pts)
  • 12 pts = 1 pica
  • 6 picas = 1 inch
  • 72 pts = 1 inch


If you missed the class, or need a review, here is a video that might help you with getting started in InDesign. It is a bit long but pretty thorough in helping your get started:


Others Videos Viewed in Class:

Homework — Due Wed, 9/14/16

  • Reading Assignment in textbook: Grid System pgs 177 -221 (be prepared to answer one quiz question on this topic)
  • Spend a some time reviewing the articles posted by your classmates and leave comments.
  • Watch the video: Typography & Design – How Typography Impacts Design below, and be ready to discuss during class.


I my name is Niki Li and I have a Chinese name too which is FengYi Li. I like Ping-Pong (table tennis) very much and I played in PSAL last year. I am the top 6 single player in NYC.  I am in college now, but we still have our own group. Sometimes, we will go to play outside of school. Also, I like drawing and I have some experience in high school. I really enjoy it and love it. I like animals too, such as dogs, birds, and so on. I had three dogs before, and they are very cute. I treated them like a  my family. For some reason, the dogs got old and died. I don’t have any dogs right now because I don’t want to lose them, and feel very sad for their death. I did a topic about euthanasia for dogs in high school, and I think people should not do that because they have their life. I think no one wants to die even when they are very sick. No one wants death in life, but we always need to face it, even though we want to live longer for meaning. We are scared for death and dogs are too. So, I suggest we should not do that, even though it’s small animals. It’s very cruel to them.

Class 3 – Kerning, Tracking and Letterspace

The main topic of the discussion was kerning, tracking and letterspace. But as a review of the Five Families of Type, here’s a link to an added resource. Navigate through the links highlighted in yellow: Designing with Type

Designing with Type

Kerning vs Tracking

Do you know the difference between kerning and tracking? You need to make sure you understand.

kerning = adjustment of the space between two letters to improve the appearance. Kerning is more specific than tracking. Kerning becomes more important with large or display type.

tracking = adjustment of the space between letters for the a whole word, sentence, page or document.

Other Terms We Covered

  • points – unit of measurement in typography: 72 points = 1 inch. All type is measured in points.
  • pica – typographic unit of measurement: 12 points = 1 pica; 6 picas = 1 inch; 72 points = 1 inch.

To help with the concept of kerning, we played The Kerning Game online. If you didn’t get a good score during class, give it another try:

The Kerning Game

Video Tutorial – Kerning and Kerning Pairs
We didn’t use this video in class but I think it’s helpful.


Homework Due – (9/12/16)

  • Reading Assignment in textbook: Tracking: Kerning and Letterspace pgs 90-93;
    Letters, Words, Sentences pgs 52-79. Also, the reading that was due on Monday should be completed. Be prepared to for a quick one question quiz about the reading assignment.
  • Finish the Letterform Drawing Worksheet
  • Complete and submit any assignments that you haven’t finished before.

Class 2 – The History of Typography

Wed, Aug 31, 2016

Let’s review some of the things we learned during our second session:

Introduction to the Five Families of Type

Old Style – Garamond
Transitional – Baskerville
Modern – Bodoni
Egyptian or Slab Serif – Century Expanded
Sans Serif – Helvetica

You need to become very familiar with these categories and the characteristics of each.
Download class notes

Typographical Anatomy – This document was handed out in class, but if you need a new copy, you may download it. You should study this sheet and refer to it often throughout the course.

During class as we became familiar with the different characteristics between the 5 families of type, some terms were introduced. Make sure you know these and begin using them in your typography references:

  • leading – refers to the linespace between the lines of type. The term originated in the days of metal type. During hand-typesetting, thin strips of lead were inserted into the lines of type to increase the distance.
  • sans serif – a typeface that does not have serifs.
  • font – one weight, width or style of a typeface.
  • typeface – the letters, numbers and symbols that make up a design of type. A typeface is part of a type family of coordinated designs. For example, Helvetica Bold is the typeface and is a part of the Helvetica family of type (Helvetica is the type family, Helvetica Bold is the typeface).
  • type family – the full collection of typefaces that were designed together and intended to be used together. For example, Garamond font family consists of roman, italics, semi bold, and bold weights. Combined together, these make up the Garamond type family.
  • scribes – they were responsible for writing books by hand before the invention of the printing press. They were usually monks who lived in monasteries.

Videos Shown in Class

Johannes Gutenberg and the Printing Press

Johannes Gutenberg Printing Press Animation

History of Typography

Here are some videos to help with this lesson on the intro to typography:

Type Anatomy and Terminology


Anatomy: Parts and shapes of Type


Type Classification

Homework – Due Wednesday 9/7/16

  • Reading Assignment in textbook: Basics pgs 1-15  (If you haven’t been able to get your book yet, a PDF version of the book was discovered and can be found here.) Complete the first reading assignment if you haven’t done so already.
  • Please bring your tracing pads and pens and other materials for class.
  • Do the lettering assignment we began in class. Using your tracing paper, trace the letter of the alphabet that you selected.  First draw a baseline with a pencil, making sure the line is not too dark. When you’re tracing the letter, you are also be coloring it in.
  • As you’re walking through your neighborhood, commuting to and from school or work, see if you can identify typefaces from the 5 families of type. Take a photo of each. Create a Google Doc and add these photos. One one each page. Write a caption to describe the type family it is from, example Old Style, Transitional, Modern, Slab Serif, Sans Serif. If you can’t find all 5, do as many as you can find.

Additional Reading Source

Thinking with Type – read the following sections:

  • Anatomy
  • Size
  • Scale
  • Type Classification
  • Type Families

Hi !

My name is Jessica Tang and I’m a freshmen. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. I’ve always been bullied throughout my childhood, but despite those times, Anime and Gaming became a part of my life. From watching Anime at a young age of 6, I’ve started to become fascinated with the art style and decided to become a Manga Artist. However, after doing some research, I’ve dropped that goal since 8th grade. At that point in time, I didn’t know who I wanted to be anymore until a friend introduced me to a game known as League of Legends. I was very inspired that many artists contributed to the game, even if it was for only one particular art. The community was always growing and that’s when I made up my mind; I want to be a concept artist for Riot Games. If I enjoy playing the game so much, it would be an honor to work for them as well.

I’m pretty shy despite not acting like it; because of it, I’m also socially awkward as some of my friends say. I look pretty dead nowadays because sleep isn’t something I like to do as it takes away time. I feel like I could be doing a lot more besides sleeping. I like to draw Anime for fun once in awhile via tablet or paper, watch Anime that’s currently in season [Re:Zero, D. Gray Man: Hollow, Danganronpa 3, Shokugeki no Souma, and Phoenix Wright], and of course play some games with friends [Hearthstone, League of Legends, Osu]. And now, I’d like to give credit to Viviana for designing my name tag. Despite having 10 minutes to spare, I think it looks fine. In the end, the bio explains who we are.

Carmen Tan

My name is Carmen. I was born in New York. I majored in Illustration in High School. I was debating on what to major in for a while and decided to try Graphic. I am an indecisive and quiet person but once I’m comfortable with you, I would talk more. I tend to be lazy at times when I shouldn’t be. I like to hang out with my friends or family during my free time. I also like to travel and take pictures. I’m looking forward to learning more about Graphic Design, I would like thank Nicole for creating my nametag.

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