A foundation course in typography

Category: General (Page 2 of 2)

Sherard Quow

My name is Sherard Quow and I am from Brooklyn. I am born into a Caribbean family from St. Vincent and the Grenadines. As a transfer student from Brooklyn College,  I am in City Tech to pursue my bachelor’s degree in Communication Design. I got into doing Graphic Arts from my Fall 2015 semester at Brooklyn College. After that class it really hit me as to what I want to do as a hobby and a career. I have been doing artwork from since high school and have an interest in technology from young. I want to design things, see what I’m designing, and be amazed with the result. I do have other hobbies that I like to do sometimes which include going to the movies, going out to the park with a friend or friends, play basketball, explore the city, workout, etc.  Other than that, I am a  chill kind of person and also pretty outgoing.  I would like to thank Melissa for the great drawing of my name (even though she almost forgot the first “r” and we are going to work on not forgetting any letters of my name in the future :P) and her point of view on what she feels describes me in a typographical art form.

Anderley Fequiere

Hello my name is Anderley Fequiere.  I am here to learn more about the art of design because I believe I need to know multiple skills to get to where I want to be in the future—a game designer.  As a kid I grew up with a liking to animations like Walt Disney’s films, Anime like One Piece, and most of the other shows that were on TV during that time.  As I grew older, my sister began to do digital art.  This drew my attention to art, and this is the main reason I started drawing, even tho I couldn’t draw people very well at the age of 13. What really made me continue art was an art teacher that I met named Mr. Giardina. He was the one in my high school that sought to help me on my path to success in drawing and shaped me to who I am now. I am a strong-willed, patient, hard working, responsible, and disciplined student that will do the best that I can in order to get my job done. At times, I can be joking around, but when it comes to business. I will not play, especially if it is related to my goal. I want to be to man who is the one who created an awesome memorable character for a game cover which is why I will take this class seriously, because the way you present letters on a cover has a distinct effect on who will buy a game or not.

I give credit to Christof who created this name tag for me. We wanted to do more on the name tags that we made for each other since we had more topics in mind that would have reflected who we are people.

Nicole Moya

My name is Nicole Moya.  I was born in New York but, my parents are Hispanic. My mother is from Colombia and my father is from Argentina and Bolivia. I consider myself a very outgoing person, hard working, honest and friendly. At first I am shy but, once I get comfortable I can be loud.  I am not much of an athlete but, I like watching soccer games and playing volleyball. During my free time, I like spending quality time with my friends and family. I also own a small dog. I love to cook Italian food and Spanish food. I also love baking and decorating cupcakes, cookies, cakes, etc. I am a very creative person and love the artsy side about things, aside from that I am a very hands-on type of learner.  One of my interests leans towards the cosmetology side—I like makeup, hair styling and nail art. I would like to give Carolina credit for drawing out my name demonstrating a little bit of who I am as a person.



Hello everyone, and welcome to the Fall semester of Type & Media,  COMD1167, section D143. This is your class website.  Here you will find loads of resources to help you get through the course. As often as I find interesting materials that will supplement and enhance your learning, I will update this site with them.  You should plan to check in here before and after each class. It is your responsibility to keep up with the information that is posted, and your participation on this site will contribute to the your final grade. So, remember to post and comment when assigned to do so, and as often as possible to keep the discussion going. You contribution will make the site more interesting and worthwhile to everyone.

Let’s get started: In the comments below, share some of the things you are looking forward to in this class?

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