


I defendant is survived by a spouse and issue:
If there is a spouse and a child from the decedent and spouse the spouse would receive the first $150,000 and a half of the remaining estate, and the issue receive the remaining amount.

If there is a spouse but the decedent only has kids from a previous relationship then the spouse would receive the first $100,00 and a half and the issue receives the rest.

If a decedent is survived by a spouse and no issue the spouse receive the entire estate. Unless the decedent has parents, in that case the spouse receives the first $150,000 and 3/4 of the estate and the parents receive the remainder.

If the decedent doesn’t have a spouse or issue it’ll go to the decedents parents and if no parents it’ll go to siblings.

B) For Michigan the testamentary capacity is 18 years old same as New York.

C) There must be at least two witnesses like in New York.

Mich. Comp. Laws sec.700-2502 (1998).

Detroit is the city with the largest population in Michigan with 713,777. https://www.google.com/search?ie=UTF-8&client=ms-android-sprint-us&source=android-browser&q=city+with+the+largest+population+in+michigan

http://michiganfamilylaw.com/ they seem very “pro-will” encouraging adults to make a will and assuring that’s its not only for the elderly. It made me happy to see this.

It seemed like a Sol enterprise and didn’t seem so legit and seemed like there wasn’t much experience.

http://www.wayneprobateandjuvenile.org/probate the court in which probates are handled in Detroit is Wayne County Probate court.

You can earn a paralegal studies degree at Wayne County Community College. However there it’s called ‘Paralegal Technology”. http://www.wcccd.edu/dept/learning_resource_center_northwest.htm
This school is ABA approved and to attend the school on a full time bases is more expensive than City Tech. Wayne County Community College cost $9,289 annually and city tech cost about $6,369.

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