U.S Table Wine Drinking Frequency+Volume shared by Color

The US wine industry should breathe an air of optimism considering that Wine consumption in the US is continued to soar. According to the latest findings, 57% of all table wines drinkers in the US are labeled as the Core drinkers because they consumed the most amounts of wines, as they represent 25% of the US population. Moreover, this same group drinks and buys 93% of all the wines available for sale at that time. Conversely, 43% of table wines drinkers are considered as marginal drinkers, which mean they drink wines less often or occasionally, as they represent 19% of the US population. In addition, this exact group drinks and buys 7% of all the wines available for sale at that period of time.

Equally important, is the color of wines purchased in the US, during the years of 1991, 1995, 2008, and 2009. According to the graph, White Wine is the most preferred color of wines for consumers, followed by Red Wines, and Blush Wines, at a distant third place, and with a 95% combined between of all the 4 years cited.

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