Jennifer’s retail wine shop experience

For our retail wine shop assignment I had chosen to do a comparison between the two locations in queens. My first location that I visited was called “ Grand wine and liquor” located in Astoria 30-05 31st, once entering this location I right away got a bad impression of the quality of service I was about to receive. It seemed as having a super market feel environment, which is not what I was expecting. As I approached the manager on duty they were very nice until I began to ask the questions, which they had no idea about the wines they carried. Within the location they carried wines from the regions of Italy, France, Germany, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, California, New York and Washington. By the knowledge they were aware of the lady said they arranged the wines by the regions they were from and then separated whites, reds, and blushes. This location gave me the motivation to visit the second location in hunters point.

My second retail wine shop was a large difference in knowledge and environment feel. They arranged their wine depending on quality, price and region. As I walked into the location it was a low light condition atmosphere. At the front of the store you would find the bottles of wine that range from 30 dollars and under. Wines at this location were from the regions of U.S, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Israel, Germany, Austria, Greece, Argentina, and Chile. As you made your way to the back you passed a little tunnel and you entered the area of quality wines and their aging rack. Here they carried wines for your specifications whether you would like to enjoy them fresh or aged. He also described to me that certain bottles that are fermented in oak have different percentages of oak. This would vary on the wine maker to choose what flavor he wanted. He also advised me how for his white wines he would prefer a wine that is fermented in steel because it enhances a cleaner, crisper taste in his opinion. They had a glassed enclosed room with stacks of bottles in cases laying on their back, this was the section of their aging bottles. He said in an enclosed temperature control environment the wines age better and give the wine better quality.


This was the store front of the Hunters point location Wine and Spirits

This was the store front of the Hunters point location Wine and Spirits

here is the display of the white wines that are fermented with oak

here is the display of the white wines that are fermented with oak

This is one of their aged red wine from 2009 which i as actually surprised was standing up and not layer down

This is one of their aged red wine from 2009 which i as actually surprised was standing up and not layer down

This is the visual of the back room for their quality wines

This is the visual of the back room for their quality wines

this is the display from the grand wines and liquor store in astoria, all the wines from the regions are placed together one separation is colors

this is the display from the grand wines and liquor store in astoria, all the wines from the regions are placed together one separation is colors

7 thoughts on “Jennifer’s retail wine shop experience

  1. Hi Jennifer,

    I am glad you had such a good experience at your second retail shop. For the Vivens 2009 wine bottle, maybe they only put one on display and the rest are laid horizontally like what I experienced in my second retail shop? Other than that, I would definitely go to Hunter Point’s wine shop if I am in the area. Thanks for the pictures.

  2. I know exactly what you mean about your first store because there was another wine store called Empire Wine in Forest Hills and it had a supermarket feel to it too so I didn’t go in. The quality wine room in the back looks really neat and professional. I like it.

  3. I had a total different experience at Hunter point location, felt unwanted only because I wasn’t buying wine and gave me cold answers to my questions other than that the location was pretty cool and one of the classier places of my 3 locations I went to

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