Online Identity in a Network World…..?

When I Google myself online, I found that some of my tweets and status updates were readily available on the internet. I was shocked by this discovery because I had only expected my basic personal information to be displayed publicly, but not the things I posted to close friends. Although I did not have anything controversial in my search results, I do not think I branded myself suitably. From the class readings, I learned that I should use social networks as a platform to create a good impression to potential employers (Marcus and Kitchen). I suppose that my results did not highlight a professional impression to someone who has never met me. Supposedly, if a potential boss was to google my name, it is unlikely that they will be impressed with what they find regarding my professional ambitions and image.

Though I have learned from class readings that it is advisable to have an impressionable online identity, I do not think it is ethical to google prospective job candidates. From the course readings, some companies match a person’s patterns in order to determine whether they are eligible for credit loans. However, some people use aliases and fake information on social media to protect their identity from online predators. I presume that they would be disadvantaged if credit companies used their online profiles to determine their credit worth. Further, googling people’s names can lead to discrediting of potential employees as a result of mistaken identity.

In a 2010 article by Stephanie Goldberg, a young man changed his name from Dustin to Gustin in order to improve his chances of getting an internship. The young man explained the fact that employers google their applicants is unsettling. He also added that it is an unfair approach to secure employment since one’s personal life is not a measure of their ability to do the job (Goldberg). In conclusion, as much as the online identity has become a popular method of filtering job applicants I do not support it, and consider it is unethical and disrespectful. Besides, it promotes dishonesty among applicants.


Work Cited

Goldberg, Stephanie. ‘Young Job-Seekers Hiding Their Facebook Pages – CNN.Com’ N.p., 2010. Web. 22 Sept. 2014.

Marcus, Dave, and Patricia Kitchen. ‘Employers Scour Web For Details On Applicants – Newsday’. Newsday. N.p., 2010. Web. 22 Sept. 2014.