Luciano S. Homework #2

Walker Evans was beyond his time with capturing spontaneous hidden subway photos of people from all different diasporas. The reason why I imply this is because of his approach to real portraits of people in there natural settings, conversation, lost in though etc. The back ground information given helps me to conclude that his building pictures became rapidly boring to say the least. people have so much more to offer, so many imperfections to capture with a hidden camera in the NewYork City subways. I couldn’t help but wonder what his motives were when taking the risk of “hidden self-portraits.” Realizing that growth is apart of all life form, maybe he seen truth in the moments he decided to capture. In the mid 20th centry subways seemed more alive than i experience today. What I mean by this, is in today’s way of underground commute grew this disconnect of fimilirarity after  all these years.whether it may be due to repetitiveness or change of lifestyle. Less high class people take the train since money can buy any car of their liking, while understanding the melting pot of New York has always been and always will be. Residing in the Village at that time also showed how calm it actually was in that era in comparison to how it is now. All of Evan’s pictures come to life with geniality.


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