Project #3 texture/figure/ground, 50/50 b/w and pattern


Another challenging project that I was able to understand in the end. At first we had to collect textures from different items we use everyday. (Walls, the ground, shoes, doors, etc). Although, we had to make sure the texture had proper spacing in between 50/50 black and white. Once we had all 12 textures, we traced them over on tracing paper then transferred in onto bristol paper. Thus creating the final piece on the left side filling the texture with sharpie marker in 50/50 black to white.

Project #2 Squares/meaning

boxes_0001 boxes_0002

Project number 2. This one was quite a challenge especially since the squares had to fit inside the box properly. Only 4 squares could be used to create the action for each category. Unfortunately, you also had to consider the empty spaces that remained which would either transaction the square right or wrong.

Project#1: Line/Movement


Very first project. In the beginning it was difficult to understand how to create movement with the parallel lines. The placement and weight of each line stroke determined how it would deceive the eye into thinking it’s moving it one direction or another. Which way do you believe it’s moving? Inward or Outward?


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