Guest Speakers for Advanced Strategies in Illustration
THURSDAY April 16th 7:30-8:30
Kit Seaton grew up on a steady diet of comic strips, 80’s cartoons, and volumes of illustrated fairy tale books. She’s bussed tables, sold computers, slung coffee, directed plays, and designed costumes before finally finding her home illustrating comic books. Kit earned her master’s in illustration from the Hartford Art School and has taught comics and illustration at Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, Savannah College of Art and Design, and California State University Fullerton. She makes her home with a pup named Panya in the Inland Northwest.
Cat Seaton is a writer from the Inland Northwest. Though she sets out to write whimsy, she often ends up writing horror instead.
Check out Kit’s Portfolio Here.
I’ll be a moderator
How long does it take you to decide to go into comic field?
How is your experience doing comic books?
How do you come up with your concepts?
Was getting your master’s worth it?
1. What do you do when you have a creative block?
2. How do you deal with a difficult client or customer?
What are the pros and cons of being on a collaborative project
1. What are some of your influences in comics?
2. What challenges do you have with working with your sibling cause it’s not always easy?
– How do you go about writing pitch lines for your comics?
– What’s it like working with a sibling?
– Is the header illustration on your portfolio part of any larger project or just a one-off drawing?
– Why fantasy? what was your interest towards it?
– Any tips to pitch an idea with ease?
– what are the pros and cons of working as a power sibling duo?