My Artist Stalk # 2 Camilla D’errico

Camilla d’Errico is an Italian-Canadian artist  within the fine art and comic businesses with her manga-influenced style. Camilla is comic artist/creator and Pop Surrealist painter, whereas moreover contributing to the vinyl art toy development, and growing her style into designaccessories, toys and other merchandise. Fun fact in 2018 I met Camilla in Comic Con and I ended up buying $150+ worth of her merchandise.



1 thought on “My Artist Stalk # 2 Camilla D’errico

  1. Nicole- Thank you for sharing your artist hero Camilla d’Errico with us. You could have added a bit more detail to your profile of her. Also how do you see her work as parallel to your own? Something important to consider is how you can learn from Camilla’s journey and how her career took off. Are there steps you can replicate for yourself?

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