LECTURE PDF in Course Files
- Class Presentations & Announcements
- Discuss Inside the Business of Illustration by Steven Heller and Marshall Arisman, CH2 Style
Discuss Yuko Shimizu: Visual Vocabulary
Sketchbook Share and Discussion on Personal Style and Visual Vocabulary
Quick Review of Week 2 Lecture
- LOOK at Illustration Annuals – Tools for Research, Inspiration and Self Promotion!
IN CLASS Presentation: Present in teams the information you learn from researching your Illustration Heroes.
- Watch Sterling Hundley on IDEATION
- Work in Class: Working solo or as a as a team, begin considering the following question: What kind of work do I want? What Self Promotional Piece(s) could I make to help me get it? Remember you have been considering what kind of work you’d like to be hired to make in your sketchbook. Start there.
- Read: Inside the Business of Illustration by Steven Heller and Marshall Arisman, CH5 Promotion. (see 4)
- Continue Self Promotional Piece brainstorming work you started in in Class! (Consider ideation techniques/ mind mapping you have learned from reading.) You will be presenting your designs next week, along with an explanation of why they would work for your goals.
- Continue your Sketchbook. Play with Personal Style and imagery . Collect inspirational images.
- Begin creating your Mailing List as prescribed on page 102 of Inside the Business of Illustration CH5 . You may share your list with other who are interested in the same markets that you are. You may work as a team. You SHOULD combine all the information you have already gathered through researching your illustration heroes.
Please Note the Self Promotional Piece and the Mailing List are ongoing assignments. Though I will check periodically, you will not be graded on them until midterm. They are 40% of your grade so act accordingly. You will be graded on both at MIDTERM. DUE week 7
Create a Google Doc to track the information you learn. Include things like:
- Name
- ROLE: i.e. Art Director, Editor, etc.
- Markets they specialize in (Books (Children’s, Sci-Fi, etc., Editorial Illustrations, Advertising)
- Specific Themes or Subjects they are interested in (Political, Dark, Sports,Etc.)
- Work they have commissioned that interested you.
- Address
- Phone
- NOTES (where you found them. any specifics that might make you able to create a personal connection. )