Matos Jasneily Editorial Ilustration Reasearch

Human Trafficking

Every year, millions of women and children are trafficked all around the world. Many of the victims are kidnapped while walking home, in the park or in their house. Others are deceived by the trafficker into thinking they are going to get a well-paid job in order to support their families. Unfortunately, when they arrive at their “workplace”  they realize that the job they applied doesn’t exist. But it’s too late to go back, their document information is taken away and they are forced to work.

The majority of Articles I choose it involves the victim story because I want to illustrate what every single one of these girls felt. I want to inform people that Human Trafficking can happen to anyone, to a family member, a friend or even yourself.

Editorial Illustration

My Editorial Illustration is going to be about school kill creativity. Schools and parents have strengthened their children’s learning abilities but neglected their equally important artistic abilities. With the advancement of society, obsolete education methods and concepts are no longer applicable in modern teaching. A step-by-step education system not only limits children’s independent thinking and creativity but also make them become an inconspicuous person with no outstanding features, just like everybody else. Education is not instilling the knowledge of the rules into the minds of children. The essence of education is to teach children the ability to learn instead of letting children lose their imagination, creativity, confidence, personality, and assertive.

Editorial Illustration Research

My social issue of choice is the damage blue light from technology with a screen does that the human eye over time. This is an issue that is very important to me and that I am extremely passionate about. I’ve myself have looked into ways to prevent this issue in my personal life stemming from phone settings of a blue light filter to even blue light filtered glasses. With the rise in technological advances and a necessity for them in the world today. It is now becoming a more widespread problem that our society is being exposed to this harmful blue light through monitors and other device. The key stakeholders of this problem are mostly young adults, but kids and older adults as well as elders are an exempt. This is important because blue light most of the time painlessly damaging to our eyes and overtime will lead to major damage to one of our most important senses!