Final Project Ideas

The article I picked


The story I decided to choose is “The Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing” It’s a very short story about a wolf having trouble obtaining his prey so he decided himself as the prey.

1st scenario or concept I want to update the setting, I want the new story to take place in the future where artificial intelligence exist and machines and robots are a common thing. Instead of a wolf disguising himself in sheep clothing in order to kill sheep, I want it to be the wolf killing evil robots so this wolf disguises itself as a robot by wearing armor, hiding its identity and killing robots.

For my 2nd scenario or concept is updating the mood. I want it to be a love story about a wolf and a sheep. Instead of a wolf disguising himself in sheep clothing in order to kill sheep, I want it to be the wolf loves one of the female sheep so this wolf disguises itself as a male sheep, fooling the female sheep into liking him.

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