Final Project : Narrative Illustration, part 1

Project Description:

In this multilayered assignment you will reinterpret a classic folk tale or fairy tale through your own creative lens.  You will, through the course of the assignment develop characters, setting, and finalize 2 illustrations featuring the same character in two very different settings and situations.


  • You may choose a vertical or horizontal format.
  • Final art will be 11 x 14 – inch, full-color illustration
  • You should interpret the story through your own personal artistic lens informed by thorough research and reference.
  • Final art will be delivered digitally via dropbox.
  • All drawing will be done traditionally, and will be rendered in a medium and process to be agreed upon with instructor.


Part 1 Character Design & Concept Art


For this part of the project you will develop characters for your original concept.

These characters and concept sketches may, but are not required to be in color.

Art can be made using any combination of traditional drawing / inking skills and digital coloring.

These designs lead into our FINAL PROJECT.

DUE MAY 15th


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