The concept that employers would seek out specific illustrators for what they’ve shown to be experts at wasn’t exactly foreign to me, but it wasn’t something I had given a lot of thought. I want to be a 3D Character artist, and Character Concept artist. I had never exactly devoted my time to improving therefore I feel like I’ve fallen behind in terms of industry standards. Late 2016 I begun devoting most of my free time to studying art fundamentals. After a couple of months tackling perspective, I’ve now just begun studying Hampton’s Human Gesture book. Soon I’ll be moving on to digital painting and color and light theory as well as color composition, which will allow me to perform master studies. After first reading Yuko Shimizu’s my first thought was “I want to be known for creating dope character designs of course.” But it hit me that dope character designers come in the dozen. After some thought, to me it’s clear that I want my sketchbooks to be filled with studies of every kind. I want to not only be known for designing and modelling great characters. I want to be known for demonstrating an absolute mastery of art fundamentals which I can use to my advantage to be an extremely flexible artist.