Welcome to Illustration1!



Welcome to Illustration 1!  Our goal in this course will be to give you the professional tools used by illustrators working in the field today.  As well as to cultivate your personal vision s an illustrator.

On this site you will have access to materials presented in class, your weekly assignment pages, and additional helpful resources.  Here you will also post your assignment images to share with your classmates.  Carefully read the directions below on how to post to this site and to your ePortfolio.


Uploading Instructions

Upload scans of your assignments from this semester in the Projects Category on this site and also in your ePortfolio.  Be sure to give your project a clear title.  On our class site, write a brief description of the project, and be sure to reference the title.  Also be sure to include in your post the Process Work.  A complete project must include all Process Work as well as the finalized art.  Your descriptions should include what your goal was for the project as well as, what you learned from making it, and what was challenging to do.  Of course you may write other comments as well. For instance, you may ask questions for other students to answers.

How to Post to our class: On this class site, go to Post located on the left > Give your artwork a title in the subject line > Write a brief description of the artwork in the Comments space > Just above your title click on the Add Media icon (it looks like a camera on top of a music note) and browse for your file > Click Insert > Click Drawings in the list of Categories on the right > Click Publish at the top right.

Your desicription should include what you feel the aim of the drawing was, what you learned from making it, and what was challenging to do.  Of course you may include other thoughts as well.

How to Post to your ePortfolio:  Go to Dashboard > New Page > Pages > Add New > Locate “Parent” in the Page Attributes > choose “Academics” from the pull-down menu. In the Title area of your ePorfolio, be sure to write the name of our class (Foundation Drawing) or our course code (ADV1103).  Also be sure to Publish, and invite me to join your ePortfolio.  In settings, be sure to state either “Public” or “Private>visible to City Tech members.”  Otherwise no one will be able to see what you’ve posted.

To take the photo, find a spot with even light so that you will have no shadows or strange light gradations across the drawing.  Frame the drawing so there is a small even frame on all sides.  Optimize the file, or reduce it to 72 dpi, with a file size no more than 1MB (about 8-9 inches on one side). Rotate it if necessary to it uploads right-side-up. If you have access to any photo-correcting program, see if you can increase the contrast so that delicate drawing lines are visible.

Figure Drawing Reference

Getting the right reference is key in creating a great final art piece!

Though we some times don’t know how to get our figure drawing exactly right… we can sure see when it has gone wrong! Poor drawing is one sure way to ruin a great idea.  So, lets get the right reference so that we can do out best work!

NOW of course the BEST thing to do is go and draw a REAL LIVE PERSON… but you may not have access or may not be able to get just the right pose for your visual concept.  FEAR NOT!  there are some great resources out there!


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Art Pose and Art Pose Female Edition are perhaps the most practical and intuitive artist anatomy reference applications for iOS and Android.  You can pose your figure, see musculature and move your camera all around it.  You can even go to a silhouette view.  Pretty good stuff!  Learn more! 



Pixelovely Is probably my favorite reference site. It has figure great drawing poses, choose between kinds of models, clothed or nude male or female etc.  Plus animal poses!  MEOW! Within each category are sub-categories. For example, under the animal category, you can choose the species of animal – and whether or not to time the session.



Quick Poses is a great figure reference site. You can choose between gesture drawings (timed poses) or random pose studies (not timed). There is a healthy selection of both clothed and nude models to choose from.  The site also includes tips to improve your study.