Week 9 Classwork

Today’s Plan

Warm UP Activity: 1 minute – 5 minute Drawings from the model

Remember… begin by going from BIG to SMALL, GESTURE FIRST, Inside to Out

Pay careful note to the HEAD.  Where is the Center line?  Where is the model looking?

5 minute Drawing LIght and shadow shapes from the model

  • Discuss Perspective and Tonality in drawing the Head 


BREAK – (15 min) 

Lecture:  Drawing Hands.

Anatomy of the Hand

Anatomical Markers

Methods of drawing hands from different points of view.

TEAM Activity: 3 minute Hand studies in pairs.

Working in teams draw and pose at the same time.  Draw your team mates hand in 3 minutes.  Try to render the form accurately and imply light and shadow.

Lecture:  Tonality when Drawing the Human figure

Work in class Assignment:  Draw the model focusing your composition on Face and Hands.  Use dramatic lighting and distinct shadow shapes.

*Buy Toned Paper for next weeks class and HW!

Close Class (15 min)