Sketches Week 11

Reportage drawing is a drawing which tells the story of a place or event and the people in it in one sketch.  Like these…

For this weeks Sketchbook Theme… Draw the scenes you see daily.  Your Job.  Your Commute. Your Citytech Life. etc.


Use perspective and the strategies you’ve learned for drawing depth to capture each scene. For inspiration on reportage drawing check out the URBAN SKETCHERS

Two Point Perspective

Hello Class!  Welcome to the exciting world of TWO POINT PERSPECTIVE!



One Point Perspective or Parallel Perspective point perspective works well for situations like the one below, where the viewer is oriented directly in front of a set of parallel lines like railroad tracks or a long hallway.



But what if you want to show the viewer something from an angle?



Two point perspective uses two vanishing points set well apart on the horizon line. The rule of thumbs here is sets of parallel lines must be either vertical or recede toward one of the two vanishing points.

READ CHAPTER 5 of Creative layout for Artists to learn more!



AND … Here are a couple of additional tutorials to get you started!

Happy Drawing!

AND a slightly more advanced one…

Assignment 11

Time Machine Assignment! 

Using the methods we learned in class, draw a city scene of the PAST or the FUTURE in two-point perspective. Use reference images from the internet to help you fill in architectural details or inspire your ideas.



Remember to always begin with the HORIZON LINE… then frame the composition… then establish your the VANISHING POINTS.  Keep in mind your VANISHING POINTS DO NOT NEED TO BE WITHIN THE PICTURE PLANE.

Also be sure to do the reading CHAPTER 5 of creative perspective … its in the post below! 

Here is an example of a City in two point perspective, similar to your homework assignment.  Feel free to use reference images and imagination to draw your city of the past or future!



For morse helpful hints read watch the videos in the post below!

  • USE Your RULER, PENCIL, CHARCOAL PENCILS, and your 18 x 24 DRAWING PAPER for this Assignment.
  • Be sure to have a full range of value in your drawing.
  • Tape off your composition with Artist’s Tape.
  • Be to use ALL the skills you’ve learned to lend a sense of realism and create depth..
  • Draw this composition at your highest level of skill!


Tip: SPRAY the drawing with Aerosol Hairspray or Workable Fixatiff Spray when complete so they don’t smudge!

Creative Perspective Chapter 4


Hello Class!  Welcome to ONE POINT PERSPECTIVE!

To create a drawing from One Point Perspective you need to know a few basic things. One Point Perspective is also called Parallel Perspective because YOU are parallel to the objects that you will be drawing. Also, vertical lines are parallel and horizontal lines are parallel and the back edges of objects that recede in the distance are parallel to the front edges of those objects.


Below is your required reading of the week.


