For the next two weeks I was presented with a new client to do some work for. My new client was the interim Dean of the School of Professional Studies; Dean Maureen Archer. She was in need for some new signage for the tv monitors in the Academic Building. These signage was to advertise the Dental Hygiene Clinic , as well as the Vision Clinic , both of which was in the Academic Building. After Introducing myself I had set up an appointment with her to get extra information on the project, as well as to find out the purpose and what was the deliverables for the project besides the monitors. Two Thursdays ago, Me and my mentor for the project Phil, met up with her in her office in the Academic building.
The meeting went great , after showing us all the work needed to be done for the Dental Hygiene Clinic; she then took us to the Eyeglasses clinic. We were introduced to Peter Pineandi who was head of the Vision Clinic. He allowed us to observe a class where the students were creating the glasses frames and lens. He also spoke on the fact that the students also do repairs. He took then on a tour clinic which had the same high end and advanced technology , that are at the eye-clinics all around NYC. Lastly, he showed us the clinic where the frames were displayed and how this was where”fashion meets sight”.
At the end of the entire interaction we realized that besides the monitor, we would have to provide a social media page, as well as an appointment card. It was shocking to find out that they did not have a website, and email or even a social page. It is something that we’re thinking of doing. Although I can’t post any images here, I’ll post the images later. Below is the previous poster done.