Dinesh Surujdeo

3) In The Color Purple, some of the reoccurring themes present early on are violence, sexual violence, sexuality and ones voice. In the first letter Celie writes to God and she in the letter she writes about getting raped by her stepfather. This is one example of violence early on and shows that as the book progresses Celie will be facing a lot of violence. Another example of violence towards Celie happens in her fifth letter. “He beat me today cause he say i winked at a boy in church”.(Walker5) This is the first example of domestic violence and one can predict that this will affect Celie to becoming a stronger and more vocal person. Her voice will become a stronger theme in the book. She is fond of Shug Avery. She believes Shug is a beautiful and gorgeous and she dreams about Shug Avery. This shows a bit of her sexuality because she seems attracted to Shug Avery. The book treats the themes of sex and violence in an addressing manner by bringing it up multiple times. In a another letter, Celie says, “He beat me like he beat the children. Cept he don’t never hardly beat them”(Walker22). In this instance, the book addressed violence by showing how often Celie gets beat and this time by a different man.

Blog 6

Ā  Ā  Ā Violence, sexuality, and voice are reoccurring themes throughout The Color Purple. It seems that many times one of these themes are brought up in the text they include at least one if not bother of the other themes. Some of these instances are that such of Celie being raped by her father Alphonso, her forced marriage to a man with many children, or her relationship with Shug.

Ā  Ā  Ā When Celie was only 14 she was raped by her step father Alphonso. At the time, Celie does not understand that it wasn’t her fault. Celine recalls that ā€œhe grab hold my titties. The he push his thing inside my pussy.ā€ Celieā€™s first sexual experience is a violent one that has lasting affects on her. Celie is also silenced by the rape. Not really ever speaking up or back, just doing what is told of her.

Ā  Ā  Ā When Celie is forced to marry the man that her sister Nettie was dating things start off bad. She starts off her wedding day being abused by Harpo, her husbands eldest son. Harpo ā€œlaid openā€ Celieā€™s head. Later that day Celie and her husband consummate their marriage and she describes it as ā€œhe on top of [her],ā€ from the way Celie is describing her first time in bed with her husband it doesn’t seem like she in enjoying herself. This could be because of her first sexual encounter with a man was rape and she is still trying to cope with what happened to her.

Ā  Ā  Ā Celies relationship with Shug changes dramatically from the beginning to the end of the book. In the beginning she is taking care of Shug since she is sick. Shut treats her terribly. But eventually they from a friendship. One thing leads to another and they are kissing ā€œUs kiss and kiss till us canā€™t hardly kiss no more. Then us touch each other.ā€ This is Celieā€™s first positive sexual experience. It happening with a woman doesn’t come to a surprise as me as many women who have been abused by men cant stand the touch of one anymore and they turn to women for their partners.

Ā  Ā  Ā Violence, sexuality and voice are brought up constantly in The Color Purple. Where one of these pop up the others are sure to follow. All three of these show in most of the scenes in the book in one way or another. It seems that violence is used in a way to silence some of the characters. Violence even affected the sexuality of some of the characters in the novel.