Week 2 homework

this is copied from week 2 presentation :
Due: Wed. February 16
Write a one paragraph project proposal for your portfolio website.
Scan or photograph 3-5 ideation sketches from today’s exercises.
Post your basic resume in HTML to your Website and link to it from the class
Post these items and a link to your mood board from a comment on this post!

27 thoughts on “Week 2 homework”

  1. Resume site link: http://www.stephanieillustrations06.com/SEResume.html

    Portfolio Proposal: For my portfolio website, I want my cartoon illustrations to be the main focus of my website. My work tends to be more related to female cartoon portraits, fanart, fashion, and beauty. The homepage will be a gallery of my photographed illustrations so future clients can see that I’m skilled at photography and drawing. Once you hover over and click on one of the images, it’ll take you to a separate link where I’ll have a step-by-step process of that particular project with a video of me sketching on my Ipad and right below will be a description with more images of the process. I will also have a menu bar where people can access my About Me page; it’ll have information about myself and a way to contact me. I would share other social media accounts alongside my resume and collaborations with companies. Hopefully, I can work with people who share the same passion and bring a creative look to their brand through illustrations.

    Portfolio Mood Board link: https://pin.it/5xggLJd

  2. Portfolio Proposal: I want my portfolio website to consist of the illustrations and graphic work I’ve done over the years. I want my homepage to start off with an ‘About Me’ section telling those that visit a few things about me and what they should expect to see throughout my website. Essentially creating an atmosphere. When scrolling down you will then find a few of my own work with possible reviews on them from future clients. I like to draw a lot so I want to include a tab where people can view my illustrations and sketches. A separate tab for graphic designs and another for typographic designs. Finally I would include all social media and contact info for companies and organizations I’ve worked with.

    My Resume site: http://www.matthewcomd.com/
    Portfolio Mood Board: https://pin.it/1Jim2sV

  3. Website: http://everythingbienaime.com/

    Mood-board and Sketches:

    Project Proposal:

    The goal of this website is to display my work. I want to create a portfolio that showcases a variety of projects I’ve worked on throughout the years. My portfolio work will focus on graphic design and advertising. In terms of my website’s structure and design. I want to make a basic website with black and white elements. I want to utilize a Sans-serif typeface for the website because it will give the page a clean, bold look. I’d like the first page to be a welcome page/about me with a brief description of who I am and what visitors may expect to see on my site. Plus, there will be an additional page with a few boxes for each of my projects. Each box will be clickable. This will allow you to acquire more information about the projects. Also included is a second page with my résumé and contact details.

  4. Project Proposal:

    In my portfolio website I want to be able to showcase my skills as a graphic designer. It will be a place for me to keep all my work and use it for future job interviews. Each work and project that I showcase will include the whole design process such as the inspiration, drafts, refinements and what led to the finishing piece. I want to be able to show that I am capable of creating original work, give customers an idea of what they should expect from my work and that I am able to deliver it.

    Website: http://www.harrydesign.work/resume.html
    Moodboard: https://www.pinterest.com/harjychen23/moodboard/
    Sketches: https://www.pinterest.com/harjychen23/sketches/

  5. Proposal: For my portfolio website, I know I want it to show some images of my illustration work and photography. I’ll probably have the website have cool colors, when people click to see the page. I’ll have some illustrations, photography photos, and a description below each of them to describe the work I created. I’ll create a menu bar where you can find different things, on top of the page. The person clicking will see categories like photography photos, illustrations, about me, and a home page. The home page will show like I said a couple of photography photos and illustrations, with a description, but for the rest you have to go to the menu bar to see all of them. There will also be some negative space to fully see the simplicity. At the bottom will be the contact info and social media I have. And when you click into the bars for my work, It will show my work and a description of it and more.
    Mood board: https://www.pinterest.com/princess_maria20/web-design-mood-board/
    Resume: http://www.open-mind.online/#skills
    Sketches: http://www.open-mind.online/PortfolioSketches.html

    1. Francesca, in the future please be sure to log in before you comment, so that we know who’s comment it is! I was able to figure it out from your resume this time, of course, but that might not always be true!

  6. Proposal: For my portfolio website, I know I want it to show some images of my illustration work and photography. I’ll probably have the website have cool colors, when people click to see the page. I’ll have some illustrations, photography photos, and a description below each of them to describe the work I created. I’ll create a menu bar where you can find different things, on top of the page. The person clicking will see categories like photography photos, illustrations, about me, and a home page. The home page will show like I said a couple of photography photos and illustrations, with a description, but the rest you have to go to the menu bar to see all of them. There will also be some negative space to fully see the simplicity. At the bottom will be the contact info and social media.
    Mood board: https://www.pinterest.com/princess_maria20/web-design-mood-board/
    Resume: http://www.open-mind.online/#skills
    Sketches: http://www.open-mind.online/PortfolioSketches.html

  7. Portfolio Proposal: I’d like to include my graphic designs, Photoshop graphics, and posters on my portfolio website. I’ll have links to any part that someone wants to visit; for example, if they want to see the logos I created, they may click the “Logos” link. The main page will be about me and the services I can provide to the consumer. There will be a bio for each job I’ve done that will explain how I achieved that item step by step. Finally, at the bottom of the website, they will find my contact information and email address.

    Resume: http://www.fineststart.com/resume.html

    Sketches/Moodboard: https://www.canva.com/design/DAE4fPq0Z48/yxJoY5eEiV2qgkIpo5ED0w/edit?category=tACZCstt_G4

  8. Portfolio Proposal: I’d like to include my illustration ,animations , Spreads and Graphic Design onto my website. Ill have the the categories broken into section and in each section you can see the for instance in the illustrations tab recent illustration with captions and who it was done for. On the Homepage it will have featured post that has a read more on to click on which would take you to the post. Also on the homepage it will have a short about me above the feature posts that are on the main page. On the bottom of the website it will have a contact information with email address and phone number.

  9. Resume Site Link: http://www.davidthecreator.com/David-resume.html

    Portfolio MoodBoard link: https://www.pinterest.com/davidvelasquez8891/mood-board/

    Project Proposal:

    My Proposal for this project is to put my work onto a website that is based on graphic design and illustration. This will be my portfolio that shows different projects that I’ve done during my college days with different courses that I took in order to develop my skills as a graphic designer in the communication design program that I’m majoring in. When I put my illustrations onto the website, I can just put the course name based on what class I did this project from, the title of the project based on what’s the name of it and the description that shows the process that I did in this project and explaining of what I did and what tools that I use to show the viewers a good understanding of what the project is about and what’s the message it’s trying to say. I can also use this portfolio for future job opportunities when it comes to graphic design. Once you go to the home page, you are going to see the illustrations that I did. Once you click on one of them, it tells you a description of what I did and what was the process with the name of the class I took on top. For the categories, I want it to be on the left or right side. For example, about me, contact info, resume, illustrations. You are going to see a list and you can click on what to choose and it leads you straight to that category in order to know more about me and my work.

  10. New Domain and sketch: http://www.endless8happy.com/
    Portfolio Proposal: I would like to include my paintings, communications, graphic designs and some personal information on my website.
    I prefer concise and convenient pages, so I like the notebook-like pages myself. Each page has a tab, and each tab identifies the content of that page. Also prefer the induction function like folders. Another way is to put the content into circles, each of which is the same size circle. Then each circle has a small label. You can zoom in on the circle you want to see based on the label. For first and second, I tend to keep personal information separate and keep it in one place all the time.

  11. portfolio Proposal: I would like to include my typographic design and my photoshop work on my website. I will have three boxes set in their categories so that when you enter the website the boxes will pop up showing you the different links. The boxes will be labeled Home, Portfolio, and gallery. Once you click on the boxes it will take you to a section of the page like a gallery, for instance, once you click gallery it will show all of the work going from photoshop editing to typographic design. On the Home page, it will show all of my contact information and a little biography about the person

  12. Portfolio Proposal: For my portfolio website, I would like to use some light colors and using icons on the menu. I want to show some images of my photography, illustration, and posters that I did before. I want my website to look simple and lively, so I like to use some circles or plants to decorate my portfolio website. At the top will be a transparent bar menu, then my recent works, and finally about myself. If you want to see previous works, you need to look at the menu.
    Resume: http://www.alreadyhavefun.com/resume.html
    Sketches: http://www.alreadyhavefun.com/Sketches.html

  13. portfolio proposal: For my portfolio I definitely want to show some images of my work. The website will include images of my posters, logo design and a few animations that I did through out my school years. However I want to keep my website very simplistic so it can be easy to view. The website will focus on my experiences in the field of graphic design and how long I’ve been in the game. for the menu or home page I would like to use some light color palate. The last Idea I have for my website is to make to make my side bar menu transparent but I’m not sure if I want to do that.

    website sketches: https://www.pinterest.com/coleyshayne/website-sketches/
    mood boards:https://www.pinterest.com/coleyshayne/website-moods-boards/

  14. Mood board:https://pin.it/3YPO2zX
    Portfolio Proposal: For my portfolio, I want to be able to showcase some of my work, like the posters and some campaigns I have worked on in school as well as personally. I want my website to have colors, but mainly pastels because I think your portfolio should show a bit of your own style. However, I don’t want the colors to be too distracting from the content. I want to be able to include some graphics if possible and make the pictures either rounded or have a rounded top. I want to have a simple enough design that won’t distract the viewers from the work, but also make the website have appeal. I want to include a gallery for the pictures of the work and have some of them show the process of going from draft to final version. I also want to be able to have a description of the projects so the viewer can understand the process of the work. I also want to be able to include a bit of information about myself, for example, my education and information on how to contact me.

  15. Portfolio Proposal:
    My main goal for my portfolio is to include my work, resume, and small bio with contact information. When it comes to my work, I will show my best work from previous classes I’ve done. I could also show personal projects such as graphic illustrations. These graphic illustrations come from the computer. Included in my work, I will show a breakdown of the final piece came to be such as drafts and sketches. The resume section will hold my basic history of design and personal information. Similar to the resume, my bio will contain a brief description of me and my personal life along with my contact information. The contact information will be multiplied on each section of my portfolio website.
    Resume: http://www.elvisjason.com/resume.html
    Sketches: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/689895236679004748/
    Mood Board: https://www.pinterest.com/egordilloschool/web-design-mood-board/

  16. Portfolio Proposal:
    For my portfolio website I want to show photographs, illustrations and posters that I’ve done before and I’m skilled at it. I will display galleries where I will be showing photographs and illustrations. I want the home page to have a category order for each work. I want to use typography and a logo for my website structure and the theme will be visible on my website’s home page. The principles of color, layout, and typography will be simplicity of hierarchy. At the bottom of my homepage there will be the time, date, location and contact information.
    Resume: https://qalb.fun/
    Sketches: https://pin.it/4y7VcpJ
    Mood Board: https://pin.it/6olK3iu

  17. Sorry for this being so late I’ve been trying to post everything and catch up to where we are in class. This is going to be my project proposal:

    For my website I want it to be as simplistic as possible showing what I think is my best work first on the page. Then the more you go down the more projects that you see. I want it to be more gallery-based with more images and sketches leading to final products to show the whole process and what possible clients or jobs will be dealing with. All my information will be there with the menus at the top of the screen with an about and resume section added.

    Sketches: https://pin.it/6ffys8j
    Resume: https://www.israelm.cloud/sample-resume.html

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