Color Interaction Parings: Phase 4

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

This project thought me the importance of the way we see colors within different backgrounds. Color is prolific and exciting. They are viewed in very different aspects of the color wheel. I also learned the importance of how compliment colors can create illusions to the naked eye. I learned the important lesson that Illusions worked best with opposites or complementary colors. The reason our(Olando and Evelyn) shared color(green) appears different is due to the fact that green complements red and yellow is a very different shade from tree. Its also important to recognize that colors appear different based on background color. To be honest I could’ve worked better on phase 2 of the projects where I had to make the same color appear to seem like different saturations on different backgrounds. All in all this project was long but it was something new.

Saturation Studies: Phase 4

This project taught me the different aspects of the color wheel and the different shades of color. There are more to color than we all think that there is. Color reflects senses and also reflect our past and future. I also learned new terms that I wasn’t as familiar with in my past knowledge on art.  I had a difficult time mixing the colors in phase 2 of the project because to me I guess it was a bit confusing. The other parts had its fair share but all in all this project wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3


Saturation Studies: Phase 4

This project taught me a lot about the color wheel in general, and how much of a difference it makes when you change the saturation or value of a color. The painting and the poster taught me more about that, and how tone, saturation, and value can set a type of mood. I struggled a lot with the painting part of this project because it took a lot of times to start over. However, the digital part of this project was pretty easy to me only because of me knowing how to do it. I think I enjoyed this project a little, and it taught me a lot about the differences of mixing colors with not just white and black and actually using different colors.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Saturation Studies Phase 4: Deliver

The objective of this project is based on color and combination itself. There is a lot of colors that are mixed between two and depending the value of the color. The most challenging one so far due to this project was phase #3, which is in a group of 3-4, we have a word and we need to describe it with two words of sense. Once we chose our two sense, we would individually work in adobe illustrator (Ai) and redesign with a poster provided for us. I’ve enjoy and learned a lot about coloring, combination and the meaning itself. I am looking forward for the next project.

Phase 1

Phase 2 

Phase 3 

Value-Added Portraits: Phase 4 – Deliver

This project taught me that i need to get better with painting and using brushes. And also that i hate dealing with glue. There are many things i did during this project i wish i could have done differently, such as my planning and documentation.  I also wish that i didn’t have to see 15 cut out photos of myself. I think what’ll take away from this is that composition is just as important as the drawing aspect of it.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Valued- Added Portraits: Phase 4

For this project, I learned a lot about broad value range and narrow value range, two words at the beginning had no clue what they meant at all. I gained more experience on photoshop since i am a newbie at it so that’s is useful for me and something i can apply in the future. The things i could have done better might have be the painting, since i was kind of rushing it even though it doesn’t look like it, but with more time i could have put into it, the results would have been more better. However, I’m still proud at the end of the finishing of the painting.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Sound Visualization Mashup: Phase 4

This project was pretty fun, it was really nice to mix art and music together, into almost one medium. I think the songs that were chosen were nice, but i do kind of wish i chose my own music, maybe i would have been able to create better designs. I think my biggest struggle with this project was time, i had so many issues with photoshop, and how to set everything up, it was a little annoying at first but i’m glad i know how to animate on photoshop now. If i could go back and fix one thing it would maybe be the animation, i would have really like to have made the lighting sync up wit the staccato beats, but i didn’t have time, otherwise i’d say i’m content with the project. Maybe for the next project i’ll try to personalize it more.

Phase 1: Discover

Phase 2: Define

Phase 3: Develop

Sound Visualization: Phase 4

My thoughts about this particular project is that I found it really interesting in the beginning with the drawing out what we heard in the music. It got really complicated once animating came into it, but now I learned something new with animating in Photoshop. I know some things I could’ve worked on is my time management with this project. I know I was really lost on what to do, so next time for a project I would really work on being way better on time management. Overall, I actually  learned a lot about animating, and photoshop. The ending result of my animation I was actually pretty satisfied with because I liked how differently I tried to animate it from everybody else’s animation.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Sound Visualization: Phase 4


During this project, I learned how to work photoshop to create a mashup of different pieces of drawings that I made. though I did feel like I wanted to do more, I am still happy with the outcome. I also wish that I had made my inking piece a lot better because the lines were not straight at all, that made me have to put in a black background instead of a white one. in the future, I would like to do this a lot better and with more legato and staccato pieces.  I would also like to learn how to use the animations in photoshop more so that it could be more smooth the next time we do something like this.