Didactic 1: Malancholy


the image contains an illustration that represents the word Melancholy The image contains illustrations of people, all with expressions of sadness and despair. The image gives a feeling of sadness, depression, sorrow, and misery. The materials used to create this image was a black pen.

Didactic #3

For this dicactic, the word that I will be using and describing both the definition itself and the drawing is “shun” and it defines to persistently avoid, ignore, or reject through antipathy or caution. (Dictionary.com) On the left page, the first think I thought of being avoidable or ignoring is someone with a pair of big headphones, therefore I decided to use a page with long text that will surround the person in headphones. According to my design, there’s a person wearing dark headphone and that person is shaded with a gray color. Now, I was thinking that maybe I could compare the psychology of the color value and the image itself. First, the headphones are shaded with black and opposes the outside which is white with text. The person is shade with a dark grayish color that represents that the headphones is consuming him/her, avoiding to make any contact to the outside, typically ignoring and inside the person , there used to be texts but since it is shaded with a grayish color, we can’t see what it says or barely see it what it was written. There’s the word “ignorant” inside of that person that it is kind of a light gray and the reason I decided to make it lighter is because first that word is a synonyms for “shun” and second that person is aware of that word and describes who he/she admits that he/ she is a ignorant, then that person goes on listening to there music and ignoring at the same time. This project was uses with pencil for the gray shading of the person and black marker.

Didactic #2

The word I use for this artwrok is Serene and it defines peaceful, calm, untroubled, etc. (Dictionary.com). I decided to use a angel as an example for serene because angels are represent to be an signal of peace. So, I decided to draw an anime character with a halo on top of her head that will represent herself an angel on the left page and design the word serene with a eligent font on the right page. This artwork was design with penicl, black marker and a razor point.

Color Interaction Parings: Phase 4

Creating an illusion with color was quite no a bad idea, I did enjoy learning the values of color, its illusion and discussing about the psychology between each color and what does it affect of people. I think one thing I could’ve done a bit better was for project #3 and maybe I could’ve add a little more details for the design while I was working in adobe illustrator. So far, I think I’ve learned a lot that i didn’t that coloring can also create a illusion in our perspective and I did mostly enjoy working with my partner (Rose) and discussing between our thoughts of character design.


Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Color Interaction Parings: Phase 3


This project will be focusing on animal theme that compares between our persona’s description or our ways of describing our characters. Rose and I decided to choose an animal theme that we have to think of an animal that could describe each other in general or basically about our own main character design. Before we started that, we had to choose as well the color that describes us first and then we come up with an idead of what we can place in our boxes. Rosa chosed an phoenix for the describtion of my fictional character and I chosed a chameleon for her fictional character as well.

Duration: 5-10 minutes.

Color Interaction Parings: Phase 1

The Magic and Logic of Color

“In visual perception a color is almost never seen as it really is — as it physically is. This fact makes color the most relative medium in art.”

First, it should be learned that one and the same color evokes innumerable readings. Instead of mechanically applying or merely implying laws and rules of color harmony, distinct color effects are produced-through recognition of the interaction of color-by making, for instance, two very different colors look alike, or nearly alike.”

– Josef Albers

Josef Albers mentions that we cannot see the color’s true self. That’s what make colors so special. When colors are placed with another color, the colors you see may slightly change lighter or darker, the humans eyes believe its a different color when its the same. Therefore no human eyes can see colors properly.

Catalogue Entry Final

The glossument book named “What Lando Found” consists of illustrations based on vocabulary words. This project is inspired by “A Humument” made by Tom Phillip.  Olando feels as if he can upgrade the aspect of any book and turn it into his own. As a creative person Olando can describe himself as a blind visionary. It’s understood that as a creative person Olando must be able to turn nothing into something. He also understand that creativity is the infusion of different aspects. This glossument project was made through many aspects such as creativity, inspiration, tools, motivations, and many different themes such as opposition and dullness.

Olando’s main inspiration was a video on blackout poetry that he seen on youtube. Also Olando seen articles on the internet about drawing pictures based on vocabulary words. This inspiration came from his class project called “A glossument”. He was also inspired by his own motives to draw pictures that relates the the vocabulary of words and to make every other word relate to each other through his drawings. This book is also more inspired in his strive to get towards greatness and uniqueness.

The motivations for this book were mainly tools. Olando tried to experiment with different shaded pencils and he also used blades and exacto knives to cut out some pages to make them more appealing towards the audiance. He did many shapes and creative cut throughs. For example Olando cut through his pages to make the cut spaces look like doors and windows. I also used cut outs from magazines to try make the book more colorful since he’s not really into using paint. Olando also used glue to make things stick to where they belong. The tools used played a big part in his glossument.

The theme of Olando’s book is opposition. He wanted things to seem either authentic or fabricated in his own book. He choose this theme because he feels as if opposites make things in reality balance out, Examples like white and black, up and down, and left and right. So in Olando’s head he thought why not make things balanced out in his creative book. Olando just wanted to develop more techniques as he continues on with his blasphemous book.

Color Interaction Parings: Phase 2

These four images were recolored in photoshop and the objective was to create a illusion that the middle box inside the two giant boxes are the same exact color value, the outer boxes having a differennt color, value but in our perspective we thinking that one mid box seems to lighter and the other darkern but it’s just an illusion the fact that the mid boxes are still the same exact color and value.


Duration: 1 1/2 hour in total.

Color Interaction Parings: Phase 1

Based on the article presented, it states that color is for sure relative and distinct for the human eye .  According to Josef Albers in The Magic and  Logic of Color;

“Just as the knowledge of acoustics does not make one musical — neither on the productive nor on the appreciative side — so no color system by itself can develop one’s sensitivity for color.”

Josef Albers mentions that the color system can’t develop itself unless it spreads out its diversity, one way I can describe, and by exploring much more you’ll be able to gain the informations before knowledge itself. Comparing to music that Josef mention in his article says that knowledge is not what make that person musical, it’s talent itself, in my own opinion and that fate within you can help you reach through higher boundaries that knowledge can’t independently reach.

Color interactions: Phase 4

Phase 1

Phase 2 https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/rosenspevackfylcf18/wp-admin/post.php?post=2655&action=edit

Phase 3 https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/rosenspevackfylcf18/wp-admin/post.php?post=2640&action=edit

This project took me about 6 hours in total. I felt as if I could’ve done more because Phase 2 was kind of hard for me and I tried my best ornament my abilities to complete it.