Daily Archives: November 6, 2013

How I Use Facebook

Facebook started out as any other social media website where one can share thoughts, pictures, and videos among friends now it’s a site where you can make friends from all over the world and share your personal information.  There are over 1 billion Facebook users around the world.  With that many why not be friends with everyone and learn about other places in the world such as food, culture, destination, music, and see what’s going on in another part of the world.  All I have to do is friend request someone from another country and once they accept me as their friend I will have access to their information such as their life style.

How I use Facebook?

I use Facebook to share my pictures, videos, ideas, and anything I find interesting in the world. With friends and families around the world.  My Facebook profile is restricted limited to friends and family.  I screen through anyone who friends me on Facebook for privacy reason.  I do not post something on Facebook that can be used against me later in life personally or professionally (not that I have crazy thoughts).  Most of my contents on Facebook is rated PG.  I share my pictures and videos with families who are not able to see me often or come over to an event I might host.  I am able to see my friends and families pictures are to how they are growing, and what they are up to in their daily life.  When a baby is born in my circle of Facebook users I am able to see pictures right away once they are posted.

I mostly use Facebook has a means of communication with others whom I am not able to see often due to scheduling problems or distance.  I also share places I have visited such as restaurants, parks, museums and offer my reviews so my Facebook circles can go visit if it interest them.


Mission Statement

The blog will serve to inform readers about technology advances on VOIP.  VOIP is the new trend in telephone system.  With the advance of high speed Internet we are able to have digital phone systems.  Digital phone systems allows the end user to be mobile send and receive call anywhere in the world as long as there is an Internet connection.  VOIP allows users to link up between multiple users in multiple locations.  With new vendors in the industry for VOIP end users can purchase and use VOIP at cost saving rates.

Audience for the blog will for anyone who wants to cut their cost for phone services and use digital service phones anywhere.   This blog will also target technical persons who want support in installation and configuration of VOIP system.  With the change of technology there is always change in maintenance.  The blog will serve to be informative and learning sources.